
Another Kind Of Love

I have been debating the dating idea all day, I finally decided that I'm going to give myself a year.  I am going to concentrate on Valentina, my job and advancing as well as getting healthy and losing weight.  My life is going to be much too busy to have anyone in it.  I think once I lose the weight that I will feel more comfortable with dating again and I have come to an understanding with myself in that I am just not going to love anyone as much as I love my David but that doesn't mean I can't love someone else, it just means that it would be very different. 

David and I are closer in ways that most people are not, that is not easy to find even with just friends let alone love.  Most people are not always that open, it takes a great deal of trust to be that way with someone.  I think anyone who finds it knows how lucky they are and they don't take it for granted... I love that close friendship I have with David.  I do know that I need to move ahead in the future, especially since I do not want to repeat my mothers footsteps. 

I think that is what we learn from the people in our lives such as our parents, we watch how they handle the challenges that have been given to them and we either see them make strong choices and living by their convictions so that we too model this in our lives.  Or we see how they let the challenges get the better of them and we then choose to follow in their path or go ahead and make a better path. 

I will always love David, I will always be close to him... he will be the person I go to when I am feeling stressed or judged or I just need a laugh.  But I will need to step outside that huge comfort zone of mine since I don't want to spend my life alone... and I am great company, I am pretty happy being on my own... I don't need someone to entertain me... but I do think that having someone to share my life with would enrich me and make me a better person.  A more loving and giving person... I don't want to become bitter and sad in my old age, I want to smile and look back at my life and think wow, I really lived.

Once the time comes, I am sure I will blog about the dates...  That will be interesting for anybody I date, finding out they are being written about.... lol.   I used to wonder what my David thought about me writing about him so openly, I asked him one time if it was okay or if it bothered him?  He said no, it was okay... so that is why I am pretty open about him

I cherish my past, I accept my present and I dream for my future


  1. Sometimes all it takes is opening ourselves up to new possibilities, that we begin to see them. Eventually a possibility will be the answer. If its your David of maybe something else just as wonderful, you deserve it, and the freedom to be open to life is a beautiful idea.

  2. Thank you Sara, I'm working on accepting what the future holds... thank you for the really kind words ;-)

  3. How lively you are maim! Keep it up for definitely you'll sigh one day that you did live really!!

    How lucky Mr. David is!! :)

  4. sweet :)

    do you want to follow each other on gfc and bloglovin?
    visit my blog ^^

  5. Launna I agree with deserve all the good and that includes David. I love how open you're real. Wishing you an awesome Saturday...

  6. Do your self a big favour. Loose weight if you want to for your own sake. We learned this after my husband's open heart surgery. Alter you recipe to make them healthier. The outer beauty will further enhance if you take care of yourself.
    Seriously - - - my husband's cardiologist used to be upset with him when he used to over eat. Now we are all careful and his cholesterol has come down. Believe me it is all worth it. When you date your date will admire you for taking care of yourself. Valentina will benefit from your experiences of loosing weight for a better cause han dating.

  7. Thank you Sangay and yes David was lucky to have me ;-)

  8. Thank you Nikki.... you are so sweet and yes I do deserve David... but it's time to move on :/

  9. Thank you Munir... I am losing the weight for me... not to date. I don't really want to date at all... I thought if I lost the weight... I may feel like dating and moving on :/

  10. Thank you Inge.. I followed you on GFC/pinterest/bloglovin/Facebook... I also commented on your blog;-)

  11. I think taking a year off dating is a wonderful idea. I actually did that as well. I took off all of 2012 after my divorce in 2011. It was the best thing I ever did. I had to make sure to fully heal and get back to me. It's a mistake too many people when they are not ready. I am now in the most healthy relationship I've ever been in and I doubt that ever would have happened had I not taken that time off.

  12. Thank you Keith, there is hope that I will have a healthy and happy relationship one day too...:/

  13. thank you Launna. I followed you back on gfc, g+, twitter, bloglovin, fb, and pinterest ;)

  14. Thank you Inge, I look forward to getting to know you :)

  15. I think waiting a year sounds like a very good plan.

  16. Thank you Daisy... I'm hoping if I give myself some time, I will be ready then :/


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