
This Girl Is On A Mission

Well, today was the first test to see how I would make a new start... since I have started the Biggest Loser at work.  I am on a mission... have I ever told you I am highly competitive... well I am.  I woke up early on a Saturday, you have no idea how huge that is for me, normally it is my day for sleeping in, looks like that is going to be changing for quite a while.  I relaxed in the morning and caught up reading and commenting on all my blogs, then I went off to the hair dressers... the girl that cut my hair was very good but way to quiet.. I need a little interaction here and there. 

Then I stopped over and bought a lot of healthy food, the bank account took a hit... why does it have to be so expensive to eat properly... oh well, it is all put away, I did not by one unhealthy item of food. Valentina had stayed at Cindy's, she was going to take a taxi home but I decided to walk up there... it was a lovely day today.  I walked up there which is uphill all the way... 1.2 miles, I visited with Cindy for a while and than gathered Valentina and all her new clothing and started walking back.

Oh can I say how exhausting it is to walk with a pre-teen who is making it her mission to be as cranky as she can about walking... Suddenly my sweet Valentina isn't being so sweet.... a rude awakening awaits her, she can complain all she wants, we are walking as much as we possibly can... there will be no more taxi's for short little jaunts, we will be making the time and effort to move our bodies.

First and foremost I want to get healthy, second I want to win the contest at work... not only will I win the money, I will win by losing the biggest percentage of weight and third.. I have a goal... something to aim for, that makes me a girl on a mission.... I have no set time for this mission to be completed, since this is now a lifestyle change but there will be bonuses and rewards a long the way...

My first goal will be to win the money, I wish good luck to everyone but I am going to win...  When I set my mind to something... I don't aim for anything but the top prize.  I have been racking my brain for the past couple of weeks trying to figure out how to motivate myself to finally work on eating healthy, exercising and ultimately losing weight.  Then along came this contest... it is exactly what I need to get a good start to getting on the right path. 

With every step I am taking, I am walking towards the right direction.  All I can say is I am focused... when I am tenacious this way, I am at my best... Like I said... I am a girl on a mission....!!!
I cherish my past, I accept my present and I dream for my future


  1. All the best Launna ^_^ You can do it..just believe in urself :D..

  2. Thank you Wawa... it is a little easier when I have a long term goal to look forward to :)

  3. Good Luck - you can do this and I am barracking for you. Mainly for you to get healthier but the money would be good too!

  4. Haha Good...thank you for rooting me on...:-D

  5. My money's on you GirlFren. The good thing about what you're doing is that it's win/win.

  6. Thanks Rick... since you're money is on me... you'd win... you are right.. this is a win/win for me;-)

  7. Thank you Keith... I do have this..somethings I know... I am blessed with tenacity:)

  8. Thank you Sangay, I will take all the best wishes I can :)

  9. You totally got this! With that kind of determination you cannot be stopped. It's addictive too. As for you sweet girl. She'll learn to love it too. My girls got crabby about it at first as well. Now they come ask me if we can go walking. Keep at it! You'll be the boss of it. :)

  10. Thanks Joy... I hope her attitude changes... otherwise it will be painful for her... I'm going to walk... I have too much at stake ;-)


I love and appreciate all genuine comments, to save a little time, I won't be commenting on the comments on my blog (unless you don't have a blog), I will just visit your blog and comment there, if you have left a meaningful comment for me... I would much rather spend the time reading and commenting on a few extra blogs ❤