
I Don't Play Games, I Win Games

The only thing that matters now is my mission.  Nothing will stand in the way anymore.

Finally, I will sleep like a baby tonight... it's about time.  I was worried for nothing... I forgot my own worth, it is back now... I am no longer going to sit around and be upset about anything that isn't important.  My new motto is watch me... I have now taken 56 pounds off in 18 weeks, I have about another 30 pounds to lose. I am excited to finally get to where I wanted to for so many years.  I stopped with the excuses, there is no excuse out there that will take me off my course ever again.  I went swimming last night and let me tell you, what a workout that was, I was swimming, running in the water, doing flips, hand stands for ninety minutes... I felt like I was in my twenties.  It helps to have lost a great deal of weight.

People that have known me all my life are dropping there jaws, my picture is not even showing the weight loss as well as it does in person.  People are telling me that I have lost enough... I haven't as even when I lose the 30 pounds I will still be considered overweight by 20-25 pounds.  However; I won't be the least bit overweight, I will be curvy, just the way I like myself.  Right now, I am so centered on becoming even better than I am now... that means swimming once or twice per week, taking Zumba twice a week, walking 3-4 times per week and adding in strength training 3-4 times per week.
I am in the zone, I cannot believe that I was the least bit upset about NOTHING... when it is all said and done... I will be the one who comes out on top.  I forgot my own tenacity, I have overcome more than most people have ... and I always come out on top... First and foremost, if I want something... I go after it and I get it... sometimes I realize somethings are not worth it and I move on to better things. Once I make my mind up, I make it up fast and there is no changing it.  It will even be faster now that I have my full self esteem back in place where it should have always been.
I also know and believe that everything will be as it should be, worrying about it, being sad about it will not change it...  I am just going to focus more on doing the things I need to do to become the best me that is possible and everything else will fall into place.  My problem was that I was worried about something I need not worry about... sometimes I wonder when I have so little faith when I have seen so many things turn around on a dime.  I don't play games, I win games...


  1. I am glad you are swimming. Valentina needs to see that it's not about your body, it's about your health and well being. Glad to hear you are enjoying Zumba too!

    1. Thank you Betty... I love all types of exercise... especially all the fun stuff ;-)

  2. Good decision from you that not to worry about anything. That will make you more active and be happy always. Nice to hear about your weight reduction. I think swimming is a good exercise.

    1. Thank you Paul, I don't plan to worry about things I did before, these things always have a way of working themselves out :)

  3. Sounds like you have a very positive mindset right now, you should be proud of how well you're doing xx

    1. Thank you Charlotte... my mindset is in place... no one is going to detract me from where I am going... Everything will work out as it should, I am sure :)

  4. You are an inspiration for me, thanks!


  5. hey launna...u have a gr8 blog...i am now following u on GFC and Bloglovin...hope u will follow me back....we can also follow each other on twitter do let me know
    keep in touch

    1. Thank you Kriti, I would certainly love to follow you too :)

  6. Hi everyfriend, I just do a new game site.I am sure.You will very like it.

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    1. Thanks for the comment Jacks, I really don't play games though... I'm pretty busy with working/being a mama/exercising and blogging :)

  7. Love this mindset. 56 pounds. That's simply amazing. Do you realize what kind of determination it takes to do that?? Wow.

    1. Thank you Keith... I am beginning to understand the determination... I am still in that mode... It was always inside me, I just accessed it finally :)

  8. I am very happy for you, Launna! I'm glad to hear you have come to terms with whatever has been worrying you so that you can sleep better now. Sounds like you had a great time swimming. I bet Valentina had a great time too! :)

    1. Thank you Daisy... I did have a wonderful time swimming...

      I forgot that I was in control Daisy... but I'm back there now, nothing will take that away from me again ;-)

  9. You are swimming.... great decision!!! I'm very happy for you Launna, you are an inspiration for every followers!!!!
    Have a great start of the new week!!!

    1. Thank you Paola, you are so sweet... you have an awesome start to your new week too :)

  10. Followed u on GFC bloglovin and twitter
    Keep in touch

    1. Thank you Kriti, I will keep in touch... have a lovely day :)

  11. Your posts are really inspiring :) thanks for sharing
    following you on GFC and bloglovin, follow back maybe? :)

    1. Hi Mariam, thank you for your comment, I added you to everything too and comment on your blog :)


I love and appreciate all genuine comments, to save a little time, I won't be commenting on the comments on my blog (unless you don't have a blog), I will just visit your blog and comment there, if you have left a meaningful comment for me... I would much rather spend the time reading and commenting on a few extra blogs ❤