
My Faith Will Be Bigger Than My Fears

I have been wanting to write for the last week, each time I would think tonight would be the night... I would have had a very stressful day at work, I also ended up having vertigo 3 days in the last week and I have been spending a lot of time organizing my social media. First and foremost the physio therapist has given me the green light to start walking again... now if the weather would cooperate, unfortunately there has been a great deal of rain, the long range forecast looks pretty good for now, which I am looking forward to... Second, I have been sabotaging myself when it comes to food.  I am not even sure why, I know I have to figure out why so that I can continue on my healthy path. 

I have had small dips here and there over the past couple of years but this has been a big long dip, I am not sure what it will take... I know that once I get walking again, I will have something more to focus on other than sitting in front of a TV... Here's the funny thing, I don't even like the TV, I find it boring and monotonous, I actually don't watch full shows, I just have it on while I do my social media on my phone. However; that is not a good excuse for me to just throw everything I have learned away. 
There are going to be tough times in my life, food isn't the answer to those issues. I am not berating myself or thinking I am a failure in any way... I just need to figure out a better way to handle disappoints and trials. Walking these past few years has really had me focused, I never even knew how much it kept me on the path until I couldn't do it. I have to learn other methods because as much as I love walking, it isn't always going to be feasible. I don't know what the answer is yet but that is what I am working on at the moment. 

I have had a lot on my mind and I feel like I am at a crossroads, which I think we all come to often in our lives...some bigger than others. In the past I usually let circumstances take over and make the decision of which path I will follow as I never find it easy to make decisions. I know, not always the best way to deal with choices... I can think of a couple of choices in my life that were made for me because I refused to make them for myself... the aftermath of those choices being made for me were life changing and not always in a good way... what did I learn from them?
That is why I am thinking about the place I am in my life and looking down those paths and choices I have. I always thought I was the girl that needed stability... even if it was boring. When my father would up and move to another province or country in a heartbeat or change jobs on a whim... I would think, how does he sleep at night, isn't he worried about what might happen with the choices he made? However; in the last few years, I have come to understand him a great deal more... although he didn't face his past head on... he did live his life the way he wanted to...

I know I have spent my life not making choices because I was too concerned what people might think or say... but as I grow older and understand more and more that the life we have been given was meant to live, to explore and grow. We all have different paths in our lives and no one should tell us which one to take because they feel they know what is best for us... I know the path I want to take, I just need to figure out how to get there... and the truth is that I believe if it is meant to be, a way will be made... My faith just has to be bigger than me fears...
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  1. Decisions are sometimes not the easiest on the best of us. I pray for God's guidance and whatever the outcome I believe was His will. I used to enjoy walking just to clear my head too. Wow, I love your dad's approach. He was truly living his life. Even though we always say we don't care what people think, there's a lil part of us that still cares. Thanks goodness we care less and less as we get older, lol.

  2. It will be ok dear Launna. Just a suggestion why not try yoga?

  3. Dear Launna, I hope you soon start walking again. Decisions are always hard to take, but you have made great things and you will have success in everything. I'm sure.

    Jasmine ♥♥♥

  4. So true, we only have one life and we need to enjoy it to the fullest. Which means stepping out of our comfort zone, maybe doing things or making decisions we'll regret later, and growing and learning along the way.

  5. Love the Quote and Title! Hope you can start soon <3

    Much Love and kisses wonderful Launna :)

  6. your quotes Launna are right on and your words and determination inspire. I'm sorry you had vertigo. I had a viral infection once and one of the symptoms was vertigo. Awful. Couldn't even stand up without falling. Stay strong. And healthy.

  7. Very beautiful Launna!I know it isn't easy but a power within you, will help you if that's what you really want... and keep the following in mind when you're struggling: The pain that you've been feeling, can't compare to the joy that's coming...

  8. I hope the weather cooperates so that you can return to your walking and also that you can find some alternative that you can do when the weather is not favorable. Walking is not the best alternative for me where we now live as compared to where we used to live. I really miss being able to get out and walk. I use an exercise bike inside now and have other routines I can do inside, but they are not the same as walking.

  9. Faith bigger than fears for sure, its a hard thing to let go and trust but if you do this in yourself, knowing you have the knowledge and steps to do as best as you can, then one cant ask for more! :)

    And yes, the future hubbie might be both, havent decided lol!

  10. Vertigo - not easy to deal with - hope you are over this now.
    Glad you can start walking again, once the weather is better, but take things easy to start with and build slowly ...

    Take Care

    All the best Jan

  11. Very inspiring about the choices we make, and the faith we keep. I come from a worrying family. Especially, the women....which I feel sure I was left out of happy moments sometimes.

    All the best to getting those walks in soon. Snow, here. I've almost fallen a few times in the snow. Indeed, I am looking to forward to spring.

    Happy writing!

  12. Hugs Launna.
    If you come visit me, I'll make you walk everywhere with me. :)

    Crossroads..yeah. Me too.

    I also don't like tv...i don't have one. I have amazon and netflix, and I choose the shows I want to see. But rarely do I watch them as much as have something to listen to while I work, or paint. I can go through entire movies not knowing what anyone looks like.

  13. Sounds great, Launna!
    Have a nice Sunday!
    Photographer Gil Zetbase

  14. A great uplifting post Launna. Thanks for sharing!

  15. Arrasou na postagem, tenha uma semana abençoada
    Meu canal:

  16. Buona settimana e un grande abbraccio, kisses!

  17. Wise words, Launna. Truly, it is in our experiences that we learn the most. And I'm glad that you're bolder now.

  18. Thanks, My dear friend, for sharing this inspiring post!
    Happy New week!!!
    xo Paola
    My Facebook

  19. Aquele batom tem uma cor única!

    O medo não pode existir para quem quer mudar. E temos que ter foco para enxergar o caminho certo!

    Ótima segunda, Launna!

    Beijo! ^^

  20. Get well soon Launna! I wish you a speedy recovery. I love how you like to utilise your time to find meaningful things to do in life and I love that positivity about you!
    Nilu Yuleena Thapa
    BIG hair LOUD mouth

  21. Obrigada! *.*

    Aqueles produtos de cabelo são fantásticos! Estou adorando usar.

    Boa segunda, Launna!

    Beijo! ^^

  22. I hope you feel better my dear!
    Loving the quotes :)


  23. I also recently had a very stressful time. Now I have a little rest.

  24. Dear Launna,

    First of all, HI!!! I've been wanting to start blogging for the longest time, but i just kept procrastinating. Now I am back for good, and I promise this is really for good! :)

    Secondly, how are you feeling now? You're definitely an inspiration!! I really really look upto you, and your courage and patience is just beyond this world. I wish you a speedy recovery Launna, and please know that you're always in my prayers!! <3

  25. Dear Launna,
    I'm so happy that you can walk againg. It can help you with food. I send you a big hug, here we are still sick, but it's going on :)


  26. I think you overthink too much sometimes dear Launna. I mean, you did great improvements since now, and it's normal you have some dip from time to time, especially in stressfull moments!
    It's all right that you want to change your bad habits, but you still nedd some moments of relax, maybe to find an hobby shold be the good solution, but take it easy! You're doing great, explore your interests and you'll see that one day, in a moment of stress you'll prefer doing something different than eat ot watching tv! :D

  27. I'm glad you are feeling better! :D Oh gosh, I find TV boring too - probably because I don't like staying still. hehe. ;) Maybe when you feel even better you can try a mini hike... but bring someone along with you (I sure needed to. )

    I hope you have a great Monday!!!

    Ethical Fashion + faith

  28. You are so right. When things are meant to happen they will. But believing that can be so hard when you're brain keeps telling you reasons to be afraid --to hold back and let others decide your fate. I'm so glad to hear you have decided to take your own path :-)

  29. Hi dear, hopefully you can walking again soon. About the work and stress please relax all be better dear. Yeach some time i thought what people or other said or though about my chooices, but such as you said dear by the time i grow and understand that life have the own meaning and all choices have responsibility.

  30. So true!
    I missed your writing so much, Launna! Sorry for being away for a little while... Things have gotten pretty busy.
    Hope all is well! Have the best new week!

    Take care,
    xoxo Suzy ( ˘ ³˘)♥

  31. I am so sorry you have suffered from vertigo recently. I know a few people who get it and it sounds very disconcerting. I am glad you got the green light to start walking again. I bet once you start walking you will have an easier time with the food issue. I know for me when I am inside a lot and doing stuff on social media, the computer, watching tv, or reading- it can be easy to eat mindlessly. When I am walking and getting exercise I don't have as much time to eat and I pay more attention to my eating. Good luck! :)

  32. I hope the walking again will help you get out of your head space soon Launna. I know how bad vertigo is because I get it too, it's absolutely awful to feel so sick and have everything spinning and moving around you. When I get it, I just want nothing more than for it to be gone. I feel for you there. Things will pick up though and I'm sure you will find comfort in things other than food that will help. We all go through ups and downs like you said, just some stick around for a little longer than others.

    Raindrops of Sapphire

  33. Have you tried something like yoga? It might be a good way to de-stress while not being as much of a strain as walking.

    I agree with you needing to have faith. I don't think good life choices can be made without having a little bit of faith.

  34. Its just a depressing phase fr u as ur unable to walk i hope u start the routine again and explore new ways of exercising.. m nt fond of TV bt i do watch shows I like as it keeps my mind of stupid thoughts.. rest m always on the computer being a full time blogger.. eating healthy is the best option bt its ok to treat urself on weekends.. Hope u feel better soon Launna.. tk cr ♥♥

  35. I love the message - faith being bigger than fears.

    So glad you've been given the green light but I also know that you're having major weather now. :-(

  36. Very nice post! We all have our paths to walk on. People come into our lives to help us grow and walk with us. Ultimately we have to make our own decisions as to where our lives will go.

  37. Me alegro de que hayas encontrado alivio contando esto aquí.

  38. I am glad you're going to be back walking! I've missed you. As for other people and their judgements, ignore them all! As my best friend has always said "It is your journey and only you can drive." Hang in there!

  39. It’s such great news you can go back to walking, I know how much you enjoy that and the impacts of not being able to for some time. I hope that many benefits will come from taking it up again. It can be so tough to find ways to deal with hard times in life. So many of us use food or spending etc. so don’t feel bad but keep working on your progress.

  40. I'm happy you are back to walking. I cant wait for it to warm up a little bit more so I can talk baby for a walk. Sorry to hear about your vertigo. hope you are felling better now.

  41. Hi Launna, I'm back and I need to get my momentum and updates right. I spent the past hour or so reading through what I've missed but I couldn't find the part on your injury and not being able to walk. Or was it the vertigo that rendered you unable to walk. I seldom suffer from vertigo but lots and lots of headache. I don't know which is worse but anything that affects the head and mind sure isn't good. Did the doc say what causes the vertigo?

    You know, you are doing so well in walking! My steps are perhaps only 10% of yours. Throughout the whole week leading to the Lunar New Year, my steps are pathetic few hundreds and few thousands. I gotta hit 10k every day. Give yourself a pat on the back for all your successful steps and miles till date.

    I agree with some of the comments here about yoga. Ever since I started yoga and pilates, I feel really good! Yes, these classes take up lots of after work hours inclusive of travelling time but I feel so good after each class.

    Lastly, I appreciate all your heartfelt comments on my blog, FB and IG the past few months. I didn't have the time to sit down and reply long ones on my blog but I really treasure all these words. I'm so glad to have a friend in you.

    Jo's Jumbled Jardinière

  42. Such a great quote - I'm working on my faith being bigger than my fears too. My fears have really overtaken my life in the last few years. But as the things I've been so afraid of are getting closer, they don't seem as big anymore. I'm so glad you'll be able to start walking again. Exercise always helps me so much.

  43. I have found myself at a crossroads more times than I can think, and really I have followed my gut for the most part. When I've done so, good things have come of it. There are so many things to do in this world, maybe focusing on the one thing you do well and effortlessly will take you where you want to go. How about writing a book, you express yourself well. Have you ever thought of that? Maybe writing in character? I love writing and that's why I love your blog. Hope you put all your energy into what you love doing most.

    Much Love,

  44. Never let anyone to make your choices. It is important to be responsible for yourself.
    Have a lovely afternoon :)

  45. Dear Launna, kids are improving, fever has started to go down. I hope Valentina and you are better and send you a big hug :)


  46. I find that reading is a great alternative to TV, and more consuming mentally. Thank goodness for an epic library system...and hundreds of books I've won or downloaded when free.

    I'm so sorry you can't get out walking right now. I know you'll find something else. We tried Yoga. I'm going back to it today to see what I think.

  47. beautiful writing.. you are very strong woman.. you will prevail.. My best wishes are with you..

  48. You should take the path that you feel is right and best for you -- not the one that someone else tells you too! <3

  49. Hi Launna! I'm happy to catch up with your blog after my getaway. :) First fo all, I'm sooo glad to hear that your physio therapist allowed you to start walking again!! I really hope weather in your city cooperates, too. I know you will find the right path as you've been doing lately. Your faith and determination are probably stroger than you think :)

  50. OMG my sweet Launna, I'm happy you are back to walking
    I miss you.
    Have an adorable day.
    Maggie Dallospedale Fashion diary - Fashion blog

  51. It's SO wonderful that you have writing to turn to for release... I can tell you are in a lot of pain and I just want to let you know that your positive thinking is the best way to push on and soon enough, you'll find all sorts of good things happening!!

    Like being able to start back into your walking routine. That's great your doctor gave you the okay!! Also, interesting that you have Vertigo. My mom has that...

    I hope you are having a wonderful week!!! And have a happy weekend, do something for yourself... you can love yourself on Valentine's Day! :o)

    All the Cute
    Latest Post: Black Lace...

  52. Ciao Launna happy Friday and have a lovely WE!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Facebook

  53. I can relate so much to what you wrote. I've crossed some great opportunities in my life, but haven't take any of them due to stability and ''to do what's right''. At the end I've realized how much I have dissapointed myself and that it would be better not achiving something due to failing and because I'm not good enaugh instead of because I haven't even tried. I'm looking for to many approvals and always need one from my family, before taking any big steps. Yet I'm caring for those less and less. I just don't want to hurt anyone I love, I owe them so much.

    Anyway, it's great to hear you can go walking again. Hope the weather is nice, and even if not, that's still great news.

    Have a wonderful weekend, stay positive as you always are.
    Love, Danny

  54. Amiga passando para ti desejar um bom final de semana
    para você e família.
    Meu Canal:

  55. So true, only think about what is important for yourself, your own opinion and faith. What other people think is not important and surrounding ourselves around good people and people who matter in our lives.

  56. Fears... I know so well what you're speaking about. ALways learning to live better
    kss a lot Launna
    new post:

  57. I'm sorry to hear about the vertigo and hope you feel better. I too, have been eating more lately than I should--not sure why that is. It just means I have to double up on my exercise. I love the idea of your faith being bigger than your fears!

  58. Hi Launna. I am very happy to hear you have started walking again I am sorry to hear about your Vertigo, Faith can really do wonders.

  59. Hi Launna, First, so sorry to hear you suffer from Vertigo. I've heard it's horrible and definitely not fun to go through. I can definitely relate to eating more too (especially traveling and living in Texas where portions are huge.) So good to hear you're walking again and just taking it one day at a time. Also, I think we all make decisions at some point, especially when we're younger, worried about what others will think. Don't worry about that though and have a great weekend...


  60. Don't judge the path I choose to take, if you hadn't been on the journey I had to make, these lines define my life and I think everyone can connect to what you said here. This post touched my heart and somehow brought tears to my eyes!! Well..I am speechless today....

  61. The post is fantastic! I am now following you on Bloglovin :)

  62. I'm not much into TV watching, either. I have too many other things to do.

    Sorry about your vertigo. I hope that clears up!

    Happy Valentine's Day! We in the blogosphere love you!

  63. I hope you're feeling better now. (Can't keep a good gal down!)

    You should turn the TV off if there isn't anything on that you want to watch. Put on some music, instead, and pick up a good book. Much more uplifting than the boob tube!

  64. I am so glad you got a chance to write this post.. I have a feeling writing is therapuetic for you, like it is for me! Good luck on your weight loss journey, btw!! Keep me posted on how it is going for you! <3 -

  65. I hope you'll be better soon Launna, I've heard that vertigos is hard to deal with. My colleague who has that told me it's painful. I really wish you well. You deserve to relax :)

    Rica |

  66. Launna, it's been a long time since I stopped by, hope you are well. :)

    Good to hear that your physiotherapist has given permission for you to start walking again, hopefully the weather will be much better for walking soon. I truly admire your determination to press on despite the challenges you face. You're always finding a solution to overcome trials. Should walking no longer be feasible, perhaps you may do another physical activity that involves the hands instead? Maybe baking is useful, it keeps the hands agile too. :)

    I couldn't agree with you more about how no one should tell us which path to take - we usually know what's best for ourselves. Your optimism and your drive is admirable, and I truly believe you are able to conquer your fears and continue to have faith in yourself. Best wishes. :)

    The Happy Candle

  67. We should always try not to give in to fears dear Launna.
    I wish you a wonderful day.

    La Flò ♡ blog

  68. Beautiful! This is such a well written post.

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  69. O cheiro daquela base é bem de boa. Não atrapalha, viu?! ;D

    Ótima segunda, Launna!

    Beijo! ^^

  70. Amiga passando para ti desejar tenha uma semana abençoada.
    Meu Canal:

  71. Everything will be allright dear Launna! Great that you had green light to start walking again! It is nice to go for a walk and empty your mind!


  72. Dear Launna,
    I'm happy Valentina feels a little better, my kids are well again. I want to do some Pilates exercices this evening, my back needs them...
    I send you a big hug!


  73. Nice words...
    Have a great evening!
    Angela Donava

  74. Really an uplifting post, Dear.
    Decisions can be hard to make; but once we do and stick to it may whatever come...we will soon learn to go with the flow. It's not easy but sometimes necessary for us.

  75. Beautiful words!
    Can we follow each other ? Follow me and i'll follow you back!

  76. Another insightful and beautifully written blog post Launna. I agree, it's so difficult to make choices sometimes. But I've come to realise that putting off a decision, and staying in a situation just because it's familiar, can be just as harmful.

    Well done for being decisive and recognising the need to be pro-active in your decision-making. That definitely opens up new possibilities.

    Saba x


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