
The Light Within That Leads Me

After I wrote a couple of weeks ago I felt burned out and so I just stopped reading and commenting on blogs for almost a week... I would read one or two and then stop. After a week I really missed everyone and couldn't wait to catch up, I pulled up my blog list and I had over 150. I had to be selective if I was ever going to get on top of it... Last night I caught up, it felt good... we all need breaks from time to time, it was good for me. As I was reading many of my followers blogs they too were echoing my sentiments and making decisions to cut back... we seemed to be on the same wave length. 

I didn't do a lot but relax and think... I also read many of my older posts, which had me thinking about how far I have come but how far I still had to go... Many challenges I have overcome, others are still controlling me... It made me realize that I cannot just overcome something and think that was it, when I choose to think it's as simple as that, I fail and have to relearn the lesson. For myself I have had a defeatist attitude in the past when I had to go through the same challenge.
I thought about what was gained by having that attitude? Since the truth is that I am able to get through the challenges given to me, even though I may doubt myself time and time again. It has never been that I cannot overcome a trial, the question has always been if I wanted to?  I don't think we choose our trials but I know we choose how and if we deal with them... I have been a master of ignoring them, burying them and defending myself against them... Until I decide to face it, the issue continues to return. I read a blog yesterday where the writer explained how they were tired of trying to overcome their trials, that the pain was too much... this person has been through a great deal, however; I don't think giving up is the answer.

I say this as I know from past experience that deep pain that doesn't seem to allow light in has been a part of my past. I am sure a great deal of us have been there... some of us are better at dealing with it, I always seem to take the long road through the darkness, until I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel... it's only after I get there that I realize the tunnel was the illusion, not the light. I fail to understand why I cannot remember that when I am going through the next challenge... because there will always be another challenge. It's not easy to elevate ourselves over our human nature that continues to doubt.
I have to continue to remind myself that when I feel like I am failing, it's not true, I am learning... because each failure is teaching me something. I have to be open to learning it so that I can move forward to the next one. For me disappointment is one of the most difficult things to get past, there is a constant reminder of what could have been... I know looking back isn't good, hence this is why I have been moving forward but it doesn't always stop the sad feelings...
I have a chance for some big changes, I am aligning myself with them... although they may be extremely challenging, I feel these ones will be worth it... I have been wanting to do things that I have not have had the time to do... there is a good possibility I will have the opportunity to have the time I need... I would be grateful for any and all good thoughts ... once I know more I will write about it... I am letting the light from within me lead me...
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  1. Eu sou viciada em shampoos secos! Ajuda muito, já que tenho o cabelo oleoso!

    Realmente sempre temos novos desafios. E vencer esses desafios deixa a vida mais interessante, porque aprendemos a lidar com diferentes situações. Mesmo sendo situações ruins! Olhe para a luz. Mas para a luz do futuro!

    Ótimo domingo, Launna!

    Beijo! ^^

  2. As usual your post is full of inspiration. I love all of the three captions specially the first one. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Aquele batom líquido é muito bonito! E achei a qualidade incrível. Quero comprar em outras cores!

    Ótimo domingo, Launna!

    Beijo! ^^

  4. I am so happy to hear you took time to be refreshed and relax!! But it's also nice that yuo were able to get caught up and check out your favorite bloggers again!!!

    Glad you had a good weekend, and one filled with reflection. It's so nice to ponder the dynamics of your life and reflect upon changes!

    All the Cute

  5. I'm glad you see the difference between failing and learning! And I think it's great that you took a break and took some distance from everything. Sometimes you just need to do that to put things into perspective.

  6. It's important to take time for relax Launna, and I'm so happy that I'm one of your fav blogger... you too!!! I love your inspiring thoughts!!!!
    Have a great start of the week darling!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Facebook

  7. I think strength is always inside oneself. However, taking challenges all the time can be exhausting. I hope this week is better than the previous one and the next one much better.

    Jasmine ♥♥♥

  8. Really good Launna that you take some time to relax. It is really important to relax! It gives you the strength to go further! Keep it up dear Launna!


  9. Postagem maravilhoso FORÇA, FÉ E FOCO, que tudo na sua vida
    vai da certo, tenha uma semana abençoada.
    Meu canal:

  10. You deserve all the good things that come your way. It was good seeing your comment on my blog last night.

  11. You have found the "point", Launna. You said that every time we feel like we are failing we are learning something. That is so true-but so hard to remember when you are in the midst of it all. You have come SO FAR just in the time I have been reading your blog. Your self-awareness is at a whole different level than when I first started following you (silently for a long time).

    I am glad you took a short break. I think when I do I come back refreshed and it is a JOY rather than a JOB to read blogs and comment again. I have noticed that several of the 'old bloggers' (that I have read since I started) have backed off of blogging a bit. I think there are so many other outlets now with Instagram/FB/etc that people have to pick and choose where to spend their time.

    God bless you, Launna. I hope you have a wonderful new week. xo Diana

    1. I couldn't have said it any better NanaDiana, you echo my exact sentiments! :)

      Keep at it Launna, you're so much stronger than I sometimes think you realise..

  12. I like what you said about the light at the end of the tunnel. I think we fool ourselves into thinking that if we can just get past certain problems or obstacles, that then everything will be OK. What we forget is that no matter how many challenges we have, there will always be more that we will have to face.

  13. i think challenges are very important in life and are good teacher too as without them we cannot even think to explore our real inner strength which can overcome any kind of challenge and make us feel proud of ourselves ,have a blessed day dear

  14. yes, sometimes it´s a good idea to have a rest, but we also like reading your posts and sharing feelings!

  15. I was wondering what happened to you as I missed seeing your comments and posts. Glad to see you are back. Perspective. That is what I got reading your post. Depending on when and how things happen in our lives, it is certainly our perspective that makes the difference. I hope you do share the outcome with us as we learn from those who have had similar experiences. Thank you for your insight - especially the tunnel analogy.

  16. Sometimes its a good thing to look back and see what you HAVE accomplished. Just to remind yourself that you can do whatever you decide to put your mind to... it's rewarding.
    On the other side of the token, sometimes it's also a good thing to take a step back and reflect on the situation around you. maybe there's a different way to go about the challenge?
    Maybe that's where we learn and grow from what we once were.
    Everything you've said in this post resonates somehow. Don't let those challenges get you down, Launna. I have faith in you...
    I appreciate your insight.
    have a good day, Launna.

  17. Hugs Launna...sometimes taking a break is the best thing. Rest, relax... let things settle.

  18. Well Launna, everybody needs a breack from time to time, don't worry about it! :)
    Still I'm feeling very proud of you reading this post, because you get a great self awarness through these years and the challenges you fronted: this is how a good human being should live, for me! :D
    You are doing a so great work on yourself, hun, you are becoming an example of strenght and will!

  19. I don't think looking back is bad, especially in your case reading old blog posts and seeing how much you've grown. I'm glad you got the break you needed!

  20. We are all stronger than we usually give ourselves credit for, Launna...and you of all people knows that. Life has beaten you down multiple times and yet, you stand back up again and again and each time stronger than ever.

    Good to have you back after a short break, we all need that in order to feel refreshed again. xx

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  21. My dear Launna,
    I understand you very well. All we need to have a break moments and think about ourselves. I love your blog, because it makes me think about life and then I love you and your personality.
    A hug
    Maggie D.
    Fashion Blog Maggie Dallospedale fashion diary

  22. I am so pleased you had a little break, it is important for us all to do this - and not feel guilty about it!
    It is good to look back at older posts - it somehow refreshes you and you move on with confidence.

    I do hope this week will be a good one for you,

    All the best Jan

  23. What a great post! I think you are right and that we need to remember that we are learning as we go. Every day we learn something new about ourselves and how we deal with the world around us. I hadn't ever thought about the tunnel in that way- very interesting. Thanks so much for sharing and for your wise words. :)

  24. Pain is so hard to deal with sometimes so I so understand any one that just wants to throw in the towel. Taking a break every once in a while is so good for the heart, mind and body. What we do is so involved and non bloggers have no idea the huge effort that goes into pushing out each post. I learn from every one of your posts and this one is no exception Launna. I am always in awe of your strength.

  25. Hi Launna, I'm glad you're finally back and happy to hear that you're doing well. I totally agree, disappointments is really hard to take, sometimes it keeps haunting you. There are a lot of things from the past that keeps on haunting me but whenever I tried to think about it I immediately think of something beautiful out of it. I always turn negative things to positive one. Experience is the best teacher, it molds you to a better version of you. :) I can't wait to read your next post. Have a great day always :)

    Rica |

  26. Such enlightening quotes! Oh, I hope it goes well. The opportunity. All the best. Glad to see you are back to writing too!

  27. Great Post, i love especially the third Quote :)

    lots of Hugs and lovely Greetings <3

  28. I'm glad you gave yourself time to regroup and reflect. We all need that from time to time. Good luck with your new opportunity - I will be keeping you in my thoughts!

  29. So wonderful that you found this new found way of thinking about what happens in your life Launna, I'm truly happy for you. It is such a blessing to see the glass half full even when there is sadness, or disappointment around us. Sending you many positive thoughts Launna!


  30. You are so wise and I am glad you took time to just worry about you. You seem so strong and so focused -- I know everything will work out perfectly at just the right time.

  31. I'm so happy you took some time just for yourself♥ Taking a break from the internet is sometimes necessary! And I totally agree with you, facing problems is the only possible way to move forward. Lots of love!♥

  32. Hi again Launna!
    I totally understood how you were feeling and it's great that you are back with more inspirational posts. I can't believe you caught up with 150 blogs already! Wow That's impressive :D
    Thanks for your visit to mine!
    Have a lovely week dear

  33. Ciao dolcissima Launna, have a lovely day!!!!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Facebook

  34. Dear Luanna, I'm happy for you that you are following your own way.

    La Flò ♡ blog

  35. I agree, we all need a break from time to time. Inspiration and motivation are not something that come just because you wish for them. I'm glad you found your focus again, I could use some help myself!


  36. I have a chance for some big changes... I feel the same, Launna... Go on learing, I'll follow you :)
    A big hug!


  37. moving ahead is the best option, although the saddest part will remain a companion.


  38. Sending you a warm hug, Launna! Thank you so much for your kind comments on my blog throughout my depression. Your friendship and support mean so much to me.

  39. Lau querida passando pra ti desejar um dia maravilhoso
    Meu canal:

  40. I agree we all need a break sometime! Every once in awhile I take a social media break for a weekend or sometimes longer. At the end, I always do miss the community!

  41. Hi launna my dear.
    Yeah me too launna, i agree with you. I dont think giving up is the answer for trial and pain. Because when we got trial we can try again but when we give up everyting is done. Life full of challenge eventhought we give up there will next chalelenge waiting for us, such as you said "you can not remember that when you going throught the next challenge because there will always be antother challenge"

    Well you will always inspired me launna, this entry is the best entry for me. I totally agree with all you wrote in this entry. All we have done in the past teach us for better life in future. I belive everyting happened must have value, its impossible useless. Depend on us, want to learning and took positive thing from the past or not.

  42. Its good that u took a break we all need one.. god knows when I would being a full time blogger fr now its tough bt that day wud def come.. my life has been more of failures in every aspect and just when i think so as u rightly put as well that it is a learning lesson for us... I need to take a break sometime soon... hope u have a great week ahead xoxo

  43. Bom dia querida pense todos os dias o meu alvo é vencer.
    Meu canal:

  44. It's very true that the tunnel is the illusion. Sometimes it just takes us a while to realize we should be looking at our issues differently in order to find the solution.

    All the best.

  45. First of all, I'm happy to know that you used that break last week to relax and think. That is indeed so necessary and I'm glad you allowed yourself that time.
    As for facing the challenges, of course it's not an easy thing to do, but I agree with you, giving up is not the answer because no one's gonna face those issues for us and there will be forever there if we don't commit to do something about it. I loved the quote about the light at the end of the tunnel, and I love how you're using your own light to fuel that motivation of yours to keep moving forward and grow as a person. <3

  46. Happy to know that you had time to relax. Life is full of ups and downs, I guess that's what makes it life. I love your courage of not giving up. I can't wait to hear about these big changes. Happy Friday dear Launna

  47. It is nice to cut back once in awhile, I agree. It makes it refreshing and fun again. :) Good luck with your changes. I'm right there with you, lately I feel like I've been on a revolving door but not getting anywhere. I know that's about to change. I just wish it would hurry up. ;)

  48. When you say you have a defeatist attitude, I would not believe that. To me you are one person who has an amazing zeal in you to make the best of your life and I feel you inspire many others who come to read your blog to live life to its fullest. Like me for instance. Reading your posts encourage me to pour my feelings out which in turn I believe make me more human and enables me to expand the lovely people around me who give so much meaning to my life.
    Nilu Yuleena Thapa
    BIG hair LOUD mouth

  49. TGIF dearest! Hope you've had a lovely week.

  50. Aquele perfume é muito maravilhoso! É um dos meus favoritos!

    Ótima sexta, Launna!

    Beijo! ^^

  51. Hi Launna. First and foremost I really missed your posts while I was away but I am glad to hear you took some time and feel more refreshed. I totally understand where you are coming from. I too like to bury my trials and hard times under the rug but almost always they come back and can be even worse facing the problem that was buried away for so long.
    I'm working on it among other things.

  52. I got busy and well a little tired too last week that I had not visited blogs to comment. Then I feel a pull. Gosh, you'll miss the blogs when you don't visit them, won't you?

    Anyway, on your blog. I love this. Your stories and sharing always resonates. It may be dark everywhere but as long as we have this light within that we never allow to get extinguish, we'll be okay. We'll still get through.

  53. Launna, I love your thoughts in this post! And every time I come to your blog, I love the powerful images you choose, it says a lot about your beautiful soul that you’re drawn to these images and the quotes on them. I can truly relate to what you’re saying. Sometimes I think I’m finally done with a certain challenge only to discover it’s still controlling me. Then I work on picking myself up and reassessing, and trying to turn things around. But there are a couple of personal challenges that haunt me as a failure hard to bear so what I have to do is focus on something else, change the energies. It’s an ever-evolving process. The quote about the light at the end of the tunnel not being the illusion, the tunnel is, that’s it perfectly. I really love what you wrote about letting the light from within lead you, that’s something I need to remember for myself. Sending lots of positive thoughts and love your way! xxoo

  54. blessings......
    Self-care is important, sometimes we get so busy doing this and that that we neglect the I within. Its good you took time to do inventory and have so much needed ME time.


    “The highest education is that which does not merely give us information, but makes our life in harmony with all existence”-Rabindranath Tagore

  55. We're on the same page Launna, It's what I blogged about last thursday.....championing others but also championing ourselves. So important to feeling good in life. Sending you a ton of hugs and wishes for a beautiful Sunday.

  56. Good luck on taking the changes Launna! I wish you all the best :)
    We have the same feeling on wanting to do things that I somehow have neglected because of certain things.

    xoxo, rae

  57. "I have to continue to remind myself that when I feel like I am failing, it's not true, I am learning... because each failure is teaching me something. I have to be open to learning it so that I can move forward to the next one."

    I loved what you said here, Launna! Thanks for entering my giveaway! :)


  58. Its always nice to take a break and reflect and relax
    I love that first quote is so great

  59. Launna I'm glad to hear you have some positive developments happening in your life. I agree we often doubt ourselves, even when past experience should prove to us that we are capable of overcoming the obstacle. Disappointment is a really hard emotion to get past, and I can relate to what you said. But just because we don't appear to be moving forward, it doesn't mean we're not progressing in other ways which we may not notice directly at first.

    Saba xx


I love and appreciate all genuine comments, to save a little time, I won't be commenting on the comments on my blog (unless you don't have a blog), I will just visit your blog and comment there, if you have left a meaningful comment for me... I would much rather spend the time reading and commenting on a few extra blogs ❤