Someday I Will Know Why

Catching up has been a daunting task to say the least, I am hoping I didn't miss anyone... I follow a lot of blogs, I knew I did but it was still eye-opening.  It's been a busy week but really a good week, I sincerely missed being involved in the blogging world, it's like our own little family. Plus we are all open to meeting more people who are interested in being involved.  

This week I will be spending time getting my office completely organized, I purchased a huge cabinet so that I can get rid of all my smaller ones... It's quite the endeavor but it is going to be a great way of purging. I believe the more ready I am the easier the change will be, I really look forward to having time with Valentina and time for me to exercise. She even told me she wants it so that we can chat in the morning and have breakfast together...
I want to thank everyone for being so kind with your comments, part of my not wanting to write was because of the depression I am dealing with and not knowing how to be as  positive as I like to be when writing. I know we all have difficulties in life and it's not easy to have to read that someone is struggling, I am though... I am finding it a challenge to just get up, go to work and make it back home. Truthfully if it were not for my new friend, I often wonder if I would leave the house otherwise... Thankfully she is there to offer some outings that are good for me.

She has been the one who has come up with inexpensive ideas to make my home feel like a home because for eight years I kept thinking I was always going to move and I never truthfully settled here. Once I decided this is where I will be staying for years to come, she put up nice drapes, rearranged my kitchen to make it more open and comfortable... and found furniture for my office so that I will be set up for success to work from home... I feel like I am ready and I am grateful she has got me to that point.
I wanted to write with honesty here because although I am struggling ... I understand that many of us are dealing with overwhelming trials. Life isn't easy, nor do I expect that it should be. For with painful tests, they bring us experiences we might not aquire... It can take wisdom and years for us to see the benefits of any trial we may deal with... holding on until we can see the blessings from challenges is really all that we can do. I also am very aware that trying to have a good attidude will go a long way for me to handle the conflict given to me... 

Is it easy to always rise above controversy in our lives... no... but deep down I know it's worth it. I believe one day I will know and understand why I had to deal with something I felt I couldn't and maybe even be grateful... maybe. This is the reason that I keep putting one foot in front of the other... The knowledge and hope for the future...
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  1. Thank you so much for sharing, Launna. I have struggled with depression for decades, so I totally comprehend and empathize. It certainly does help to have a friend to talk to and to get together with, and I find walks in nature to help a lot as well. Sending you lots of love and many warm hugs.

  2. Let us all hope for the best and life has it's ups and down, but we should keep moving. best wishes.

  3. What a wonderful friend! It's great she is helping you feel more settled and organised.

    Never apologise for taking time away from your blog too - health is always more important and there is time to catch up with blogs and write blogs when you feel better and more motivated :)

    Hope you've had a wonderful weekend :)

    Away From The Blue Blog

  4. I am happy you're so close to just spend time at home, working in a relaxing environment... and of course having more time for Valentina through this. (I so envy you) ;)

    Glad you're settled on making your home... well, more homey!
    I know it might seem easy, but sometimes the most seemingly simple things just are not really that, simple.
    I wish for you, that in the end it will be a comforting, cosy Nest. Just the way you need and want it to be.

    I have been depressed, too, but hopefully soon all will be better for us all! ^_^

  5. Admitting that you're struggling is an important first step in feeling better.

  6. Dear Launna, I'm happy you go out with your new friend and are doing things at home. You'll soon discover that working for home is great.

    Jasmine xx

  7. Even the people that look like they have it all together seem to be struggling this year Luanne, you are not alone. What a wonderful friend you have. HUGS B

  8. I do think that just writing your feelings out here are therapeutic and, not only that, but you may touch the heart of someone that feels exactly like you are feeling. They then know they are not alone in their struggle.

    I am so glad to see you blogging again and to know that you are 'settling' in for the long haul at your apartment. Even that might give you a deeper sense of peace to think that you aren't in transit-that you have some permanence and can just 'be' for a while without the angst of wondering-where to next.

    Blessings- saying a little prayer for you this morning. xo Diana

    ps. and God bless you new friend.

  9. Amiga saudade ótima postagem sempre arrasando nas suas ideias,
    obrigado pela visita, tenha uma semana abençoada.

  10. I'm so happy you are more time to do things for you and Valentina too!
    I love all the quotes in your post!
    I wish you a lovely week!
    Kisses, Paola.


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  11. The most painful times a definitely the ones of greatest growth. I think back to those times when I was most lonely, saddest, struggling, and though the hurt consumed my world at the time, I see now how it enabled me to reach a higher, stronger place. Still, it doesn't matter how well you KNOW that, the struggle is just as difficult. Sending love to help fill your office as well!

  12. I'm glad you have a new friend who is a kind, helpful, and positive, and that V wants to spend time with you.

    As the years go by I'm getting more and more disillusioned that things happen for a reason and we'll know why etc etc.....sometimes it comes full circle but mostly not and I have stopped looking for it. I guess the only thing we can do is keep going so we might as well make the best of it. Hugs my friend.

  13. I respect anyone who own their struggle. We're all human and we all do struggle at some point. When you speak about it, I actually find it motivating especially in this world where everyone seem to portray perfection. I'm in the same circle and striving each day with prayers asking God to strengthen me. We will get there, beautiful lady. Welcome back :)

  14. "If you get tired, learn to rest, not quit." I love that quote. It's very good advice. I'm sorry to hear that you are struggling, but it does sound like you are making progress in a positive direction. I sometimes feel like I go one step forward and two backwards and maybe you feel like this sometimes too. Anyway, the changes your friend helped you make at your house seem like positive ones to me, and it is helping you move in the direction of working from home. Thinking of you and sending good thoughts your way. xoxo

  15. Oh Launna, this is a beautiful news. Do you have a new friend? I'm so happy for you.
    A big hug for Valentina.
    Maggie Dallospedale Fashion diary - Fashion blog

  16. It does seem that the tide is beginning to turn for you, and I am so pleased.

    Like Connie above - I too like this quote "If you get tired, learn to rest, not quit." they are very good words and good advice too!

    Sending good thoughts to you and Valentina.

    All the best Jan

  17. Oh my sweet sweet friend!!! I was so happy to see your comment on my blog today! I was wondering how you have been, how life has been treating you.... glad to see you are still keeping your cyber friends in the loop... while we may not know each other in person, I hope you know you have a community of people who love you and care for you! *BIG HUGS* Please always keep in touch, yeah? -

  18. Hey Launna, so glad to see you back. I've been going off/on blogger for a while even i am tired of apologizing every time i come back. I'm not going away anymore though. I hope to try working from home soon too. You're definitely not alone. Your friend is amazing (kisses to her)

    Thanks for dropping by mine. You're awesome

  19. I'm happy to hea you've found a so good and true friend,Launna! This is a not so common gift in life, you know? :)
    Still I think you shouldn't restrain yourself in wrinting your posts: as you said everybody has to deal with life struggles and we all can understand you and maybe even help you a bit, maybe with just few words maybe with some useful tip, who knows? :)
    No doubt everybody who pass and write here love and appreciate you, so don't worry to annoying!
    Anyway I'm happy to hear that your life is coming in the way you want,I bet in no time you'll be happier and happier!
    A big hug for yoou!

  20. Hey Launna!
    I have been going through quite a bit myself and haven't posted in a very long time. Just started getting back on the blogging bandwagon. Anyway I'm sorry to hear you're struggling right now too. It's good that you have a good friend by your side though... that's more than I can say I have. lol. I am thankful for my fiance and my babies though. Without them I don't know what I'd do. Anyway I hope things start looking up for you and am always here if you need to talk!

    xo, Sarah
    Hustla, baby.

  21. Hi dear Launna... <3 You know why I started that other blog? I was too tired. You know, life. Too much going on and some issues at home too...I needed to think something else. It is still too hard to to even try to write that living-blog. So... I´m still here for you. Never left. Life happen.. And we will rise and shine!!! :) <3 That I need to believe, for all of us! xoxox

  22. I am glad to hear you have someone with a good Heart to speak and talk about your Situation.
    Kisses and Hugs from Vienna <3

  23. I was just telling a friend that sometimes I wish I had the courage to share some of the trials in my life, but then I just sweep it under the carpet and focus on other things, which I know doesn't fix it. I admire that you use this blog for honesty and that it translates to so many of us. Kudos that God has blessed you with such a wonderful friend to help. Happy Thanksgiving! Hugs...RO

  24. Launna! Aquele lápis de sobrancelha é incrível! E tem uma opção mais clara de cor. É bem legal! ;D

    Acho essenciais os amigos nessas horas difíceis. E podem ser amigos da vida real ou virtual! E nós leitores estamos aqui pra te apoiar em tudo que você precisar. Por isso, nunca se sinta sozinha!

    Ótima quinta!

    Beijo! ^^

  25. Dear I understand what you say and I think the people can be strong with love... Love is the key... Kisses

  26. I think we all need breaks. But I think it's important to remain connected with people. I'm glad you're not permanently leaving the blogging world. It is a really nice, supportive community.

  27. Post maravilhoso sempre forte para mudança, obrigado pela visita.

  28. Someday you'll look back and know exactly why it had to happen - LOVE THAT! This is truly like our own little family and I love and enjoy reading every member. Very inspiring. I can imagine that catching up on all must have been a task. So thankful for your new friend. Glad she is there for you. Happy Thanksgiving beautiful.

  29. I'm glad you left this on such a positive note. It isn't easy moving forward, but it helps to keep that confidence to go on. Wishing you all the best as the holidays near with friends and family and a great new year!

  30. dear you are not alone in that feeling... sometimes everybody feels the same way

  31. Hi Launna... Writing always makes me feel better, not that I don't feel depressed but it helps in some way bcoz u let out your emotions.. I hope u get to work from your home soon.. Also it is ok if you cannot comment on my blog just don't get stressed, you can comment when you can and possible.. for now m doing 2 - 3 posts a week.. I wish u a happy and fruitful weekend.. xoxo

  32. So happy that your friend is helping you make your space a home. So much of what we feel inside is impacted by our environment. Feeling more organized and settled in our space helps our mind to be at ease too. Hope the office organization goes well. Also- I hope you are able to start working from home soon, as it sounds like it will offer you and your daughter more time together and more time to work on good health.

    Sending you hugs and hope you have a nice weekend.

  33. Dear Launna, I hope you will understand one day the sense of your life. By now, I'm so happy you can talk with Valentina, I need some rest, life runs too fast, too heavy.
    Lots of love :)

  34. Your new friend sounds wonderful. I struggle with depression at times and I know it can be quite a battle. Keep battling my friend and you will find the light at the end of the tunnel x

  35. Thanks for taking time to visit my blog Launna, so appreciate it! So good to have you back writing again. Sounds like your friend is helping you and making things brighter. I hope that the tides will turn and your home office comes together soon. Change is exciting and challenging, but I really believe that things happen for a reason in my heart. Making the best out of what you have is key for sure. Wish you a fruitful week and a wonderful weekend!


  36. Hello Launna!

    All the best with setting up your writing space and with your writing.

  37. I don't have a point of reference of what you are going through. I have a friend that struggles with depression and I would do anything to help him carry his burden, but there is little I can do except to be there for him when he needs me.

  38. I'm sorry to hear of your seasonal depression Launna. I certainly understand where you're coming from. Personally I dread winter and the shorter days. On a positive note, I'm glad to hear you have a true friend who is giving you support. I just hope you feel better and stronger each day. It is great having you back in the blogosphere and reading your insights on life.

    Lots of love Saba xx

  39. dear Launna, It's always a pleasure to read your inspiring posts
    kss a lot
    New post in my Lifestyle Blog

  40. You're right - catching up is daunting and I don't think I am ever going to make it! Hugs!


I love and appreciate all genuine comments, to save a little time, I won't be commenting on the comments on my blog (unless you don't have a blog), I will just visit your blog and comment there, if you have left a meaningful comment for me... I would much rather spend the time reading and commenting on a few extra blogs ❤