
About Launna

This blog is about my life one letter at a time... the many different layers and facets of what makes me who I am today. I am very friendly, I can talk to just about anyone, I love to get to know new people.

I survived a  fire when I was only 15 months old, this is the post about it The fire 48 years ago.  I am a mom, I have two beautiful daughters, my oldest was born in 1981 and my youngest was born in 2003 - YES... I have 22 years between my two daughters. Plus I am a glama nana to my grandson Jackson and my granddaughter Arianna

I reconnected with my best friend David, 33 years after we met in grade 10 when we were 15 in 1978... he was my first crush that I never forgot. He ended up being as sweet and wonderful as he was back then. I fell in love with him in 2011, unfortunately he did not fall in love with me, we ended up being the best of friends... and then we weren't...  He got my quirkiness where few people do... there is no one I am more honest, more myself and more happy with, this is our story   My One And Only

I took back my life in June of 2013, just before I turned 50, I started a contest and 11 weeks later I won the contest.  Within 6 months, I had lost a total of 75+ pounds ... I still would like to lose a little more but this journey is more about getting healthy and strong than it is about the weight loss.  I love to walk and I am adding some jogging/running, I have a goal of competing in a 10K this year.

I believe people are inherently good, until they show me otherwise. I believe life is about challenges and how we handle the ones we are given! I never give up on my dreams, I believe in myself, I am tenacious and I find a way to make it happen. I believe in true love and I know that deep in my heart, love will always prevail

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  1. I love your beliefs about inherent good and handling challenges and never giving up. I really like your idea of visiting and commenting on other people's blogs and I always look forward to your lovely comments on my posts. Thanks Launna for all the positivity you spread far and wide.

    1. Awe thank you so much... I really appreciate the kind words ♡

  2. Hi Launna,

    How is it that this is the first time I'm reading this page??? I would always check out the about me page for any new blogs that I visit. Somehow some of the contents here do not sound familiar to me at all that I thought it is a new page till I see the date stamp of the comments.

    I thought you added this about me page when you did your blog makeover recently and I'd wanted to comment that this is a really good page coz I know so much more about you from here. Your story is inspiring and you are so honest and open about sharing with your readers more on your story and transformation. I'm touched by your honesty and sincerity.

    I believe people are inherently good, until they show me otherwise too. I'm so glad we connect in many ways.

    Jo's Jumbled Jardinière

  3. Best and reality based blog you have :)

  4. Hi Launna!

    I've been reading your blog on and off for a while now. I always appreciate how open and honest you are, and your posts are inspiring to me. I love reading about other people's lives and experiences; I've found it really hard to find more blogs like yours, that are about people's everyday lives and the things they learn and go through. I started up my own blog recently too, and would love to build up a bit of a community. Yours is the only blog I follow that relates to this genre of everyday life. If you have any recommendations, I would love to hear them!

    Always appreciate your positive attitude, and I find it inspiring to hear about how you overcome challenges. :)

  5. Nice to meet you, beautiful and honest lady. Congrates on your healthy living journey. I'm trying my best here too. :)

  6. You're an inspiration! X

  7. I adore your strength ,confident and positivity my friend!!!

    your whole life is example of SUCCESSFUL SURVIVAL OVER ALL HURDLES and i believe that you can defeat whatever come to down you even if is your pain


I love and appreciate all genuine comments, to save a little time, I won't be commenting on the comments on my blog (unless you don't have a blog), I will just visit your blog and comment there, if you have left a meaningful comment for me... I would much rather spend the time reading and commenting on a few extra blogs ❤