
If Nothing Ever Changed, There'd Be No Butterflies

I have had a very busy week, hence why I haven't been writing... work has been busy for me, the good thing is... is that I finally have approval to work from home, now the paperwork starts... I am going in really early Monday to see if I can get all the forms filled out... I have been on the site and it says it can take anywhere from 4-6 weeks. So... getting the forms filled out is extremely important, along with that I still have some work left at home to be ready. Before I have anything from work placed in my office, I will take a picture and share it here... afterwards I cannot due to extremely sensitive information. I even have a lock on my office, I will be treating my work like work and leaving it at the end of the day. 
School will be starting soon for Valentina,  a little over two weeks... another thing I have to get ready for. She has decided to change her school this year, it is closer to home... where she will be able to walk back and forth most days unless there is inclement weather. As well, she will be able to come home for lunch... so I plan to take my lunch at the same time so that I can spend more time with her... I think this is going to be good for both of us as the past 8 years of traveling has taken a great deal of time from us... and I think teenagers need their parents more than they realize. 
In the past nearly two weeks since I have written... I have had many thoughts about what I wanted/needed to write... some incidents have come up reminding of me feelings I haven't really dealt with since I was not capable at the time... often I think it is best to put issues aside until I am stronger and with time answers often come up to help me make better decisions.  However; as you know bringing up emotions you haven't dealt with are still not easy... even when you are aware that life probably turned out for the best... accepting that isn't as simple as people want to portray it though. 

It's like dealing with my being raped, I have forgiven my ex and moved forward but it's not say that there are not days that it comes flooding back into my mind ... for the most part, I have become stronger... but it changed me in ways that people can't see... It made me much more empathetic to women who have had to deal with what I did in my marriage, I know that life isn't black and white... there are no easy answers. Of course looking back I can see all the signs that lead up to the emotional abuse in my marriage and how it ultimately lead to being raped...
I am not saying I brought that on me in anyway... I am saying that hindsight is twenty/twenty... I have been talking about this with a friend and she and I discussed how both of us were not able to see the men we married for what they really were... until much too late. However; both of us learned a great deal, it is exactly like Maya Angelou says 'When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time' ... I know we should look for the good in others but that doesn't mean you have to let them in your life.

I have learned over time that I need to look after myself first or I will not be any good to anyone else... As well, if I respect my boundaries, people for the most part will respect them too. I believe that when I honor myself and know that I deserve to be treated with total respect, that is what I will get in return... Is that easy?  No, many life experiences alter us but if we can learn to respect ourselves that is where I think we can grow the most... besides if we never changed, there would be no butterflies...
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  1. ...I finally have approval to work from home, now the paperwork starts..
    I am so happy for you. Working form home is one of the best things!!

    So awesome... I believe that meals should be taking with the family. It will (hopefully) give you two so much more quality time.

    I hope you will eventually be able to change & do what you need for your life to be, just as you want it to be in the end.

  2. thanks for dropping Lauuna. same goes here I had a very busy week. glad that i was able to find ways to relax hehehe keep in touch

  3. Working from home is very exciting. But please try not to work too many hours, it's good you have a lock. On the other hand, due to all you have gone through, you are stronger now. Better times will come, I'm sure.

    Jasmine ♥♥♥

  4. To work for home it's a good idea!!!! I'm so happy for you Launna!!!
    Kisses, Paola.


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  5. Woot, good to hear you got the approval!

  6. Working in home is very excitement. We will have lot of time to do work and also spend time in house.

  7. Wow congrats on being able to bring your work at home, I certainly hope I can do that it's much easier for me to bond with my daughter and work at the same time. I so love the title about your writing today Launna, "if nothing ever changed, there'd be no butterflies". I remember how I am extremely shy growing up, I don't even have the guts to say that I'm beautiful. I remember how I am so pity of myself looking back but I am so grateful that experienced made me a better woman now. :) Thank you for this post, it is such an inspiration Launna and oh, wishing Valentina a happy day on her first day of class on her new school :)

    Rica |

  8. I'm so happy for you, Launna! You can work from home, that will be much nicer for you and easier for you to stay happier and healthy too! I'm so pleased! I'm sorry you're struggling with those old thoughts as well, it's never nice, but you're truly so brave for opening up about it publicly online as well, truly amazing. I hope you are able to help others as well who are struggling with issues like that, but everything shapes us into people we are today and you are such a beautiful person xx.

    Raindrops of Sapphire

  9. Ohh vow so many good things to hear about in this post.. I am happy that u wud be able to work from home which u always wanted and other small changes as well will hopefully bring a change in ur life I feel.. some things of the past will always flash in ur mind bt i think u wud do much better now I can sense that.. hope u have a productive week ahead Launna ♥

  10. That is wonderful news Launna! I wish I could work from home too. I love the fact that you will get to spend more time with Valentina :)
    Have a wonderful week darling!


  11. Firstly, I'm so happy your working from home bid was approved, I literally said "YeS!!!" when I read that- so excited for you. Happy too to know that you'll be spending more time with Valentina. Bless.
    Secondly, I'm truly sorry the past with your ex is one memory you often will think about but I'm glad all that is behind you now. Love can sometimes make us blind to apparent flaws in our partners. My younger sister is in such a situation and it is clear that she might have to learn from mistakes and it's sad to sit and watch it play out.
    Everything will fall in place eventually..... xx

  12. Some of our life changes are hard ones. I love the butterfly quote because it is true. Change may be hard, but it can bring about beautiful things. Even tiny steps in the right direction can help us toward our goals. It is amazing what we can see with our 20/20 vision looking into the past. I am glad you are in a better place now. Maya Angelou is one smart lady with her quote! :)
    Thanks for sharing.

  13. Que maximo amei sempre arrasando e procurando o seu melhor,
    obrigada pela visita, tenha uma semana abençoada.

  14. I'm glad progress is being made in you being able to work from home. That is great that you will be able to have lunch with your daughter too!

  15. You're truly amazing Launna. I wish I were as strong as you, able to be as open as you, able to shine and inspire others like you. Sending big hugs xoxo

  16. Lau querida um dia maravilhoso

  17. I loved reading this, thank you so much for the inspiration! You seem so lovely too, I would love to follow each other and stay in contact, it is always nice to make new blogger friends! Let me know. x

  18. You are a beautiful butterfly! May all your dreams come true!

  19. I'm so happy that your work from home was approved! What an exciting time, and I love all your positive changes. Love this quote today - just what I needed to read!

  20. Hi sweet Launna,
    I'm very happy for you and I think that the work for home it's a good idea, because it's so creative.
    Have an adorable day
    Maggie Dallospedale Fashion diary - Fashion blog

  21. These are some good thoughts, and I love the quotes. The one about the butterfly is especially inspiring if you're going through changes.

  22. Lots of wisdom in this post. I am in a thousand percent agreement.
    Also, how wonderful that you got the work-from-home approval, and that Valya will be able to come home. You are so right teens do still need us as much as ever. I was just speaking with a co-worker this morning. I tease him bc he never turns off his phone ringer in the office, he says his teenage son might call and you have to have an open door policy 24/7, because once that door closes it is closed forever. I thought that was some pretty solid parenting wisdom.

  23. It's really horrible what you were forced to endure---I'm just glad to hear that you have emerged a better, stronger person so full of love and compassion for others.

  24. I don't have butterflies either. Being rapped has to be awful, it is normal that it is not easy to forget it :( I wanted the suit but maybe it will have to wait, I don't know if I will have in September. I am fine, on holidays, visiting my family. xoxo

  25. Essas cores ficam lindas mesmo! Adoro! *.*

    Launna, parabéns pela aprovação do trabalho em casa! Eu sabia que daria tudo certo. E bom, é importantíssimo se respeitar e se dar o devido valor antes de qualquer coisa! Acho que já comentei que, na minha opinião, isso é essencial para encontrar a felicidade.

    Ótima terça!

    Beijo! ^^

  26. hi Launna!!! Hello from Guatemala :) I have been keeping myself so busy that I have nearly neglected my bloggie. Ah. Ayayaya. Yes, it's so hard going back to emotions that you know strike fear in you. But always remember that you can overcome. "Pray without ceasing, in all things give thatnks to the Lord for this is the will of God in JEsus Christ through you." :) - 1 thess 5:17-18

    BIG HUGS!!!

  27. I love your quotes Launna - quotes that come from a heart that knows pain and survival. sending you love and hugs.

  28. Working from home! Yay! I'm so happy for you.

    Maya Angelou says 'When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time' LOVE this quote. Such a good one.

    My mom has been talking to me about allowing the kids to face tough situations just to make them stronger. We really are a summation of the experiences we have and how we react to them, eh? Every single one builds our compassion and strength, if we allow it.

  29. You are such a strong person to be able to talk openly about the abuse that you experienced. I really admire you for that Launna. I'm sure so many people can relate to you in more ways than you can imagine. I do myself, but I'm more of a private person with personal matter of that sort. I applaud your courage and know that you are making a difference in the hearts of others. Congrats on your work life!


  30. I like how you started your post " If Nothing Ever Changed, There'd Be No Butterflies"

    I am so pleased to read that you finally have approval to work from home, I know it may still take a few weeks but you are getting nearer now.

    What a lovely idea for Valentina to come home for lunch, so lovely to spend this time together.

    Enjoy this remaining week of August

    All the best Jan

  31. "I have been talking about this with a friend and she and I discussed how both of us were not able to see the men we married for what they really were"
    Me too Launna, and it need a long Time to heal .. Years. I love the Quotes, great Words <3

    kisses and Hugs

  32. beautifully put Launna, you're a story of constant inspiration!

    Sending love across the oceans!


  33. Its good to see things are looking up about working at home. I hope that happens soon for you and your daughter.

    I think when writing about those intense moments can be life changing and of course, quite painful. Remember, you are a survivor and I feel certain you can help others from your experiences. Many of us have been calloused from having to listen to verbal abuse at home, which has turned much dangerous than we ever realized (until we look back and write about it) and have felt we were dealt these lives, perhaps our own mothers lived through too.

    I'm glad you are moving forward. I hope you have many blessed days ahead. Keep writing!

  34. The quotes you share are so very true! Have a good one ♥

  35. I wish I could work from home too, I'm a the home kind of person but I guess I would never leave home if it was like this XD
    I think you daughter made a really clever decision, I hope you two enjoy lunch together!
    Abusive relationships are still not talked about enought, you are amazing to be able to talk about that even though it hurts because it sets a example for other women. I'm proud of knowing you and your blog and you are such a amazing loving person, I love to be able to comment here often and see your replies, I know if I need you will be here and that feels so good. You won't be able to erase the past, but you will prevent things like this from happening to other people and maybe create a better world to your daughter to live in.
    Hope you have a blessed week!

  36. I think you'll enjoy working from home. I worked from home three days a week for a few years and it worked out well. I did find myself actually putting in more time than I would have had I gone into the office.
    As for the respect comment, you are spot on. You (and everyone) deserve respect.

  37. Life has its ups and downs, but the winner alwasy emerges after facing the tribulations, just like you have:)

  38. Launna! A durabilidade daquele batom não é boa, já que é cremoso. Mas mesmo assim eu adoro ele! Fica muito bonito nos lábios.

    Ótima sexta!

    Beijo! ^^

  39. Launna - I am so sorry for what you went through in your marriage. That is so terrible and I can't imagine what you must have felt. The title of your post actually reminded me of a framed picture I bought a few years ago because I thought it was such an amazing proverb for anyone going through a really tough time. 'Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over,
    it became a butterfly.'
    ~ English Proverb [19620]

    I hope you have a great weekend,

  40. Congratulations! I'm happy to hear you got the approval to work from home. That'll be a huge positive change for you, in a lot of ways, but be sure you don't use it as an excuse to cut yourself off from the world, if you know what I mean. Even butterflies need to spend time with other butterflies. :)

  41. So glad to read you have been approved to work from home. Congratulations. I so wish I could work from home. Getting out of bed so early is no joke. Valentina is lucky she still has a little time before going back to school. What a great idea to enjoy lunch together. I wish I worked close enough to my daughters school to do that. Although I have a feeling she may want to hang out with her friends in the lunch room instead haha. I am a believer in Maya's quote. It always holds true. And when we don't go by it, we end up with I should coulda woulda. Glad you're in a good place Launna. You inspire!

  42. Sounds like things are looking up. I can't wait to see a picture. And that's wonderful that you'll get to spend lunch with Valentina. Now all we need are the butterflies!


  43. many changes in your life, I hope that everything is the best for you ❤

  44. Hindsight is 20/20, I agree. But people who treat others bad do a lot of damage. They know better and they just shouldn't.

    Love that you are going to be able to have lunch with your girl!

  45. Really good that you got the approval to work from home. I also want to work from home. I travel every day 1,5 hours to my work..It takes a lot of time! Good luck on school very soon Valentina!


  46. Oh, Launna. If only I can give you a hug.
    I'm sorry for all the pain you have went through.

    But, you're right. Look at you now. So strong, so wise, such an inspiration to many.

    You are amazing.

  47. Launna--

    I am glad to read that so many pieces are coming together for you. How wonderful that you will soon be able to work from home. I accepted a new job as a teacher (I've been SO MIA because I'm so busy) and while I haven't announced it yet... my new job has me so busy!!

    It's also awesome that Valentina will be going to school closer to home. The freedom to walk home from school for lunch is unheard of in IL. They treat kids in high school like prisoners here.. amazing!!

    Enjoy the time you two will have together. So wonderful!

    All the Cute

  48. Que maximo seja sempre cheia de atitude, tenha uma semana abençoada,
    obrigado pela visita.

  49. I'm happy that your work from home has been approved.So nice that you get to spend more time with your daughter now that she is in a new school. Wishing you a great week ahead.. hugs.

  50. Let me first say, that my heart is crying inside because I had no idea of the horrible abuse of rape that you suffered. Even better, I'm glad that you've been able to forgive, which is needed in order to move on. Mad kudos to you, and I'm sending cyber hugs of love. Great news that you'll be able to work from home. That's a big deal and congrats! Wishing a week filled with much Joy! Hugs...RO

  51. absolutely true dear Launna. We must love ourselves first and it requires time to listen to us and to realize what we love and need. I wish your new job at home is ok. Kss a lot
    New post in my blog!

  52. working fromhome is awesome.
    Glad to hear about Valentina and hope that you will get to spend more time with her

  53. My dear Launna, first of all I'm hapy you finally got the OK for working from home, that's such a good thing to look forward to now. Also, the fact that you'll be able to spend more time with Valentina is great, I totally agree with you, teenagers need their parents more than they know and much much more than what they appear to care. Last but not least, I want to say one more time how brave of a woman you are. Going through an experience such as a rape must be extremely difficult yet look at you know, talking about it and probably motivating someone out there to overcome it. <3

  54. Gostei muito daquele condicionador seco, Launna! Tem um aroma maravilhoso e ainda deixa o cabelo brilhante! *-*

    Ótima segunda!

    Beijo! ^^

  55. Passando para ti desejar um belo dia

  56. Launna,

    You've been talking about working from home for a while and I'm so glad it is finally happening! I wished I could do that too. My direct boss is flexible at times and would allow us to work from home depending on what is the work we are working on at that moment. That said, it still feels good to be able to permanently work from home. Doubly great when you are able to have a meal with your dear girl.

    Jo's Jumbled Jardinière

  57. Launna,
    You are so sweet! I'm so glad to see more of you writing 😀

  58. When I think of working from home, including blogging, I realize the importance of a separate room for office. It is easier to limited, otherwise I lose track of time sitting on the couch. And I'm less productive...
    Hope you will be able to work home and the time with your daughter increase.

  59. it's funny how we want to give people the benefit of the doubt too often but I believe now that Angelou's saying is right on the money. When people show you who they are the first time - BELIEVE THEM. Happy rest of the week Launna.

  60. Beautiful quotes - thank you for sharing :)

  61. Dearest Launna,

    I'm so sorry to hear about the horrible ordeal you went through. No, you weren't to blame at all. It was entirely him. It must be hard to revisit feelings from the past, like reopening an old wound. Just remember you're a strong person, and you will prevail. You've overcome difficult situations before, and you will again. No one is ever responsible for being abused, but yes we must all treat ourselves with respect, and take note of warning signs, making sure we don't doubt our own instincts.

    On a different and positive note, I'm happy to hear you'll soon be working from home, and will get to spend more quality time with your daughter. That's brilliant news!

    I await your next blog post with anticipation.

    Lots of love Saba xx

  62. É muito ruim ficar com os pés suados, né?! Mas Launna, aquele desodorante de pés ajuda bastante com esse problema! O produto é bem legal.

    Ótima quinta!

    Beijo! ^^

  63. Dearest Launna, I have been slow at getting to read this post, and I wanted to let you know that I am so sorry for what you have been through. It just goes to show that even a spouse is capable of rape and many of us can choose the wrong partner! It can happen! What is important, I think, is that we learn from the mistakes we make and even if it involves counselling, to not choose the same type of man who will hurt us again. Often it is a vicious cycle that continues and continues until we change our own ways of thinking and the choices we make. I hope that you are not blaming yourself, because many victims of rape do...and even if it is the partner whom one chooses happens to rape, the only mistake we made was the choice of the partner, nothing more. Sending you many hugs and much love, and I hope that by your sharing your story not only helps you to heal and put things in perspective, but that it helps some others as well!

  64. I'm just stopping by to wish you a very happy weekend, Launna!

    Raindrops of Sapphire

  65. Passando para ti deseja um belo dia

  66. First of all a big YAY to getting the approval to work from home! I can't wait to read about your home office setting up. Secondly, I admire how you fight the demons of your past and I feel after reading your posts that you have so much courage and the determination to move forward with life and the positivity that fills your words just make me believe what a strong woman you are! You inspire me as you must inspire others and we are always there with you!
    Nilu Yuleena Thapa
    BIG hair LOUD mouth

  67. Thank you for always visiting and being so kind.
    I added you to my blog-friend list so I won't forget to visit you!
    Looking forward for the next post ;)

  68. Launna! I am thrilled to hear about your work from home! So happy for you, yay!
    I think it's the best life goal, and sort of be your own time boss!
    I enjoyed your writing and remembered the real butterflies in my stomach when I met my first love... I still get them now and then, usually when I'm travelling because I'm afraid of flying!

    Love xoxo ♥
    Happy New Week!
    Suzy ( ˘ ³˘)♥


I love and appreciate all genuine comments, to save a little time, I won't be commenting on the comments on my blog (unless you don't have a blog), I will just visit your blog and comment there, if you have left a meaningful comment for me... I would much rather spend the time reading and commenting on a few extra blogs ❤