I had a very productive week, I took time off from blogging and from TV while Valentina went to camp and I had a woman I know come to my home and we cleaned my entire home... when Valya goes to another camp the end of this month, the woman I know is going to come over so that we can finish off by organizing and purging the closets. I have been loving how clean it is, it's so much easier when you know where items are... the main idea I have to teach Valentina is that she needs to pick up after herself... I cannot do it all alone.
I want to be completely ready when the time comes for me to work from home, which should be very soon... I feel like if I can be organized that I will have more time to do the things I want to do, such as get back to walking regularly... I am even contemplating purchasing a bike to drive on the trails... I think it would be good exercise for taking pressure off my knees. The trail is fairly flat and very scenic... I think it would be awesome to bike it daily, it goes out for quite a distance too..
I have been feeling an urgent need to start taking better care of my health, I have been conscious of how uncomfortable I am with the weight I have gained back... I know how good it feels when I am paying attention to my health. I also am well aware that when I make a commitment as I have done in the past, it doesn't take long to get into the swing of it... success is most certainly possible... What has always been the difficult part of losing weight and becoming healthy is maintaining, there are so many challenges that can get in your way, weather, depression and injury... None of these should stop me...
When I was at my most successful in the past, I didn't let anything get in the way of my goal... not even my 50th birthday when I made a watermelon birthday cake, instead of a high calorie cake. I didn't feel like I was missing out, I felt incredibly good and on top of my health. The more I exercised, the better and stronger I felt... It was an incredible feeling... at first I started because of the contest but ultimately I kept doing it for me and I then competed with me.
I think we all need to find what brings our passions out with exercise, mine was walking... I know I will enjoy biking as I biked about 15 years ago and I loved it. For the past couple of months I have been waiting to feel motivated but waiting won't give me the desire, just doing is the only way. My birthday is in less then two weeks, I also will have enough money to purchase a really good pair of sneakers so that I can be successful.
I will be back to tracking my walking on Map My Walk, I would love to surpass the 600 miles I walked in three months last year. I also know it will be slow going in the beginning, it's very easy to get out of shape but I also know it doesn't take long to get back into the swing of it... I don't plan to push myself too hard in the beginning, the last thing I want to do is re injure myself. This time I plan to listen to my body and take a day off here and there to relax my body. What I understand the most is the perfect time does not exist, the time is now...

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I am so happy to hear you got around to organizing and cleaning. I know ! It feels amazing and you just feel lighter. I did a little light cleaning home tonight too... but still so much to do.
ReplyDeleteI love that you already took the bull by the horns and decided you need to get serious with your health again. The first step is always the hardest.
The watermelon cake sounds so interesting !! Please share. :)
Looking forward to more updates like this Launna. You seem ready to take on the world. :)
Hi Launna, very encouraging post. Take care and stay healthy!
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with you, the time is now. If there is no motivation, you create it. When I start to exercise I don't feel motivated, but then the miracle happens and I want to do exercise every day. You will too again, I'm sure. Have a wonderful week!
ReplyDeleteJasmine ♥♥♥
Good for you with the cleaning!! Will be nice to have the help when it comes down to organizing too! Definitely maintain everything, because you are so right... life is easier when everything is clean and neat!!... Your daughter will learn and appreciate that, too!
ReplyDeleteI'm proud of you for wanting to add biking into your fitness routine. Don't be too hard on yourself that you haven't been walking as much as you want or eating all the right things, you'll bounce back soon enough! :o)
All the Cute 🎀
It does make one feel good to be mindful of their health. I have not been eating healthy lately (too much ice cream), I guess I need to be more disciplined.
ReplyDeleteAmen! If we keep on waiting for the perfect time, then time will just pass us by. We don't wait for the perfect time, we create it. :)
ReplyDeleteBe bold!
The time is now, so true! (Re)organizing and cleaning can feel soooooo good, huh, especially afterwards.
ReplyDeleteSuch a perfect organization Launna, I'm so happy for you: you have made the right decisions!!!
ReplyDeleteHave a great start of the new week darling!
Kisses, Paola.
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For the past couple of days, I've gained all the weight I lost back. I agree with you, it's really hard to maintain the healthy. Hope we can get that aspect in grip soon. Keeping moving forward, Launna. :)
I am proud of you for taking the steps to purge and clean things out. Funny-I have been doing the exact same thing here. My girls have taken things I have collected over the years and I have taken several loads to Goodwill. IT. FEELS. GOOD. Also, a bit bittersweet-but I felt ready to do it.
ReplyDeleteI am the same way. I lose and then gain back. I never gain all of it back but I gain enough back that it makes me miserable. I don't know why I sabotage myself...and that is exactly what I do for one reason or another. I used to walk also- a lot! Now, I have an ankle that flares if I walk too much...so I need to find something I can do besides that. I have never ridden bike but our area is not conducive to bike riding either. Our roads are busy and don't have bike lanes.
Bless you as you move forward with your plan, Launna. I know you can do whatever you set your mind to do!!! xo Diana
I Love it all clean but my partner drive me a bit mad in the house, it is difficult when I was working the 7 days last week and it is great to have a bit of time to organise things and tidy the house. Happy birthday, it has been recently then :) I love watermelon, I have never try a cake of it, send me some because I'm not a good cook
ReplyDeleteHappy week my friend xxx
A clean house feels so good, doesn’t it? My husband and I are tidy but we still need to be mindful to scrub the place, too, every now and then. When my 22-year old stepson moved here for 10 months it was a disaster, his room looked liked a bomb had dropped in it, he is a good kid but I hated how disrespectful he was towards our nice home. Good for you to take charge and make space, especially in preparation for working from home, that will make all the difference. Re the weight, well, I’m right there with you, as always. After a few months of dieting anarchy I started my intuitive dieting again last week. I had regained half of what I lost last year and I just had to put a stop to the free fall. And you know what? It feels good to be back. My head is clearer and I feel a sense of calm I haven’t had in a long time. You will get there, too :) And go get that bike, cycling is awesome! Hugs xo
ReplyDeleteI couldn't agree more with you Launna. So many times people will say now is not the time or I'll do this when this and this happens but truthfully the time is never perfect so why not dive in and do it now. I never feel motivated when I work out but I kind of have to force myself to think positive and think why I really started.
I've committed to walking regularly again. I feel so much better already. I'm thinking about getting a bike too. I feel I work better over all when I exercise regularly.
ReplyDeleteObrigada! No vÃdeo eu falo sobre um kit para crescimento do cabelo. Em breve conto se funcionou!
ReplyDeleteLaunna, é sempre bom deixar tudo organizado. Isso vai ser perfeito para quando você começar a trabalhar em casa! Em relação a sua saúde, é legal que você esteja preocupada. Assim você vai ficar mais motivada para chegar no seu objetivo! Eu acredito na sua capacidade e força de vontade! ;)
Ótima segunda!
Beijo! ^^
As u rightly put it is always now but I have been such a procastinator all my life that I have delayed things which kind of spoiled or hampered my life.. Working from home is nt easy if u live with a family bt since u will be alone i hope u find it productive and r able to make time for your walks and then weight loss.. Hope u have a great week ahead.. take care xoxo ♥
ReplyDeleteI agree with the need to find something to be passionate about when exercising. Exercise mustn't feel like a chore or we stop doing it.
ReplyDeleteI love the way you write, Launna, so simple yet so deep. I spent days in cleaning up a house full of everything not useful at all. I have to go on... You will surely buy a new wonderful pair of snaeakers to walk, you need it... :)))
ReplyDeleteA big hug!
You're sounding more positive than ever, Launna and good for you. It's good and super refreshing to take time off from the online world, I should go on one myself too. Been feeling really burnt out recently...
ReplyDeleteShireen | Reflection of Sanity
Hi my sweet Launna,
ReplyDeleteThis is so true: These isn't a perfect time. Your organization is a great example for me. I'm very very happy for you and I think you decided a good decision.
Have an adorable week.
Maggie Dallospedale Fashion diary - Fashion blog
Que maximo amei a postagem, tenha uma semana abençoada.
ReplyDeleteBlog: http://arrasandonobatomvermelho.blogspot.com.br/
Good for you, Launna. Like the Nike ads say, "Just do it!" (And I know you will.0
ReplyDeleteP.S. In case I forget later, let me wish you a very happy birthday. May it be your best one ever. :)
"There is not perfect time, time is now". Keep it up the spirit maim.
ReplyDeleteI agree Launna - the time is right - go for it. Have a beautiful week.
ReplyDeleteWe watched The Peaceful Warrior recently (for the 2nd time) and he talks about being in the mornment. I need to be reminded of this message from time to time. There is so much garbage residing in my brain that good thoughts must fight through to surface.
ReplyDeleteWe decluttered a while back and it's made a huge difference in our space
I must organize my home too. It is in such a mess. I lived away from home for a month for work reasons and now that I've returned I'm totally clueless as where to start...but I need to get on it. So great you managed to organize your house! Yaay!
ReplyDeleteI do believe that we think better and are generally in better mood when we live in clutter free spaces...there is something about clutter that can get into a way of our thinking. Just organizing our homes can help a lot ...but really getting rid of all we don't need---that's the best feeling!
Good to hear you're planning to take up exercising again...just remember to take it easily and listen to your body. Sometimes a walk is all we need. I'm a firm believer in walks...our bodies were designed for motion and a simple walk does wonders for us....both for our bodies and soul.
Lately I've been ignoring my back exercises and I really shouldn't because I have a terrible back deformation (scoliosis). The first time I did my back exercises again (two days ago) I was in so much pain it was insane, but I already feel better and I plan to continue exercising....I lost a lot of weight because of problems with Chron recently and while I regained that weight fairly easily once I got well enough to eat, I'm aware that I still need to work on my muscles and make them strong again...especially my back muscles because without their support my scoliosis will only get worse.
Dear Launna, I'm really glad to know you had a productive week. Taking some time off to do something different is always a good idea. And camping is an amazing idea! Here in Bangalore, I have not done any camping, but I used to do that while I was back at my hometown. Reading your posts makes me want to camp and enjoy nature! About planning to start a healthy lifestyle, I like your determination to pursue your goal. And slight slips do happen Launna. Our mistakes makes us more human after all. I was also working out and doing yoga only to quit after three weeks of strenous exercise after which i put on weight again and I've been procrastinating when I think of starting again. But I think I should gather all my will power and start doing it! Baby steps is what is required after all.
Nilu Yuleena Thapa
BIG hair LOUD mouth
I wish you the best in working from home (and of course in living more healthier again). :) I hope it will make your life easier.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it great to have a good week....and in many cases, even a good day? It is so true that a perfect time does not exist! However, I do believe that we can make any moment a wonderful one, if we try. No, it isn't easy, but our outlook makes all the difference.
I just loved reading this post of yours Launna, it really sounds as if you are buzzing.
Wishing you a great week ahead
All the best Jan
A bike to ride on trails sounds like a wonderful solution. I would love to live where there is a bike trail. I live in a city with busy streets and big hills. It's not a good place to ride a bike. Hope you have a nice weekend!
ReplyDeleteKeep going Launna! You are at the right track! Live now :) Take care!
ReplyDeleteHave a lovely day my dear friend!
ReplyDeleteKisses, Paola.
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Hii launna i miss you so much, i m so sorry to long can't stopping by here. Wow do you bike now? It sounds good. But as you said don't forced to hard your self dear, try to listen and understand your body. I never heard about watermelon cake, i m interesting in it.
ReplyDeleteAbout organized and cleaning your home i hope i can do it too. Since i have a baby my home such as home after got tornado. It can't be clean.
Yups you are right. For maintaned is very difficult, some time we are felt lazy qnd bored to do the exercise but never give up launna. I know you can do it. Always Keep healthy my dear.
Amiga Lau bela postagem arrasou como sempre
ReplyDeleteBlog: http://arrasandonobatomvermelho.blogspot.com.br/
Great Quotes Launna! You are right, the best Time is now, you are a good Inspiration to me, thank you <3
Getting kids to pick up after themselves is definitely a challenge, but once the environment is conducive to it, they seem to have less trouble keeping up after they build the basic habit. Good luck with Valya. Daya has gotten much better since I last cleaned her room. It's gotten slightly messy but has not gone back to the state it was in before I cleaned it a couple months ago.
ReplyDeleteBiking is wonderful, enjoy! xoxo
Un grande abbraccio, carissima Launna!
ReplyDeleteGetting out in nature is a great way to get in shape. My kids and I have been doing a lot of that lately. Being outdoors takes your mind off of things for a while, and it's a whole lot better than sitting in front of a screen.
ReplyDeleteDear Launna,
ReplyDeleteI hope you feel well and are walking a lot in the green. I still sleep little, but I try to go on... :)
A big hug!
thanks for sharing Launna! I definitely need to get back to exercising =)
How you say is true the moment for you is now kiss
ReplyDeleteLaunna, eu gostei muito daqueles lenços! Mas gosto mais dos da Nivea, justamente porque tem cheiro (e eu particularmente prefiro produtos com aroma).
ReplyDeleteÓtima quarta!
Beijo! ^^
Cleaning is a big process. When we have a company to do it will be good. Nice to hear about the fitness of your body. I think you are very much interested to take care of your health. Watermelon cake with low calories touched me lot. I got inspired from you to take care of my health. Usually i don't do it, but again i will try to do it.
ReplyDeleteGreat job at working to be fit and then being successful. Wow.
ReplyDeleteYou are so right about doing things when we have a chance instead of planning and waiting. Great advise. Thanks.
Cleaning out your home top to toe like that sounds ideal, clear home, clear mind. I'm happy you want to take care of yourself more Launna as well. I often find that when we let ourselves go and stop caring and start eating junk, not doing what we should be doing, it's a downward spiral of unhappiness because we no longer care about ourselves enough to function properly. It's a very slippery slope and I've been on it. It is very easy to fall back into bad habits, I end up doing it often after I've done so well. You just think one little thing wont hurt as a reward and then by the time you know it, it's all gone pear shaped.
ReplyDeleteI know you love walking outdoors and the bike is a great idea, but have you thought about an exercise bike for indoors? Those times when it's winter, it's freezing, it's raining, you haven't got the energy to go out on a long trek, an exercise bike is ideal. It's low impact on your joints and you can ride it while watching TV or anything. It truly helped me get my exercise in when I am unable to go out. I know it's not a replacement for going out to exercise, but it's a good thing in the meantime and for down times. It might be worth looking into if you don't already have one. Then you can be releasing your endorphin's again which will make you more positive and happy! Lots of love to you xx.
Raindrops of Sapphire
Once you are back walking on a regular basis, you'll feel great again. As for the closet purging, I SOOOOO need to do this!
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy to hear you so propostive and full of energy and motivation Launna!
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm even happier to hear that you acted while you're thinking of all those projects, cleaning home and doing exercise!
This is definitely the perfect way and atitude to get all your aims!
Anyway for winter months, when it's too cold to go out, you could try same fitness app to exercise, there are a lot for every discipline, from cadio to yoga... Maybe you could even try some different activities so you don't bore! ;D
Keep on going like this sweetie!
Yes I agree with you that the perfect time does not exist. I cant tell you how many times I'm reluctant to do stuff just because I'm waiting on the perfect time. I'm happy you had a productive week, taking time off blogging is so essential. I'm trying to enjoy my summer days more and spending less time on the computer.
Watermelon cake, you say?????? I'm intrigued. :) I agree, it feels good to know you're taking care of your body. We only get one, might as well treat it right so it can work at optimum health for us. :)
ReplyDeleteI do love my pretty lilac bike and it helps with my knees. I was in a car crash in 2005 and my left knee hit the dash board. Has not been the same since then as it'd would flare up every once in a while. I'm told it has a loose body that should be surgically removed but I'm not quite ready for that surgery.
ReplyDeleteI need to purge my home too. I keep putting it off but must get to it before back to school hits in August.
The perfect time for any and everything is truly 'now'. Good luck with exercising and by the way, watermelon cake sounds so yummy. Was it? I bet!
Yay to a productive week! Hey, when you focus on your health, do you ever use any phone apps? Like SparkPeople? I am trying to find a good one to use! - http://www.domesticgeekgirl.com
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you got lots of positive things done this week Launna, and have made your home environment much more orderly. It feels so good to conquer outstanding tasks and tick things off our to-do lists! I agree, everyone should choose a way of staying fit that they enjoy, which can fit into their lifestyle. For me, it's also walking, as I like the freedom of getting outside, and having a good think about everything that's going on in my life, while I walk around. I also find that, as well as the physical benefits, it helps me to solve problems and come up with good ideas!
ReplyDeleteHave a fab weekend!
Saba xx
Haven't heard of watermelon cake iguess it tastes awesome
ReplyDeleteHow i wish i would be able to ride a bike,well i have never tried
Amiga passando pata ti desejar um final de semana abençoada.
ReplyDeleteBlog: http://arrasandonobatomvermelho.blogspot.com.br/
I've been on an unintended break too. I just looked to see when I last blogged and it was June 23rd! Wow. Anyway, taking care of yourself is time consuming. Blogging used to be the VERY first thing I would do in the morning with my quiet time. Now it's exercise because if I don't do it first thing it won't get done. I went biking yesterday and if we can drive to a trail I love it but it's boring here in my neighborhood. I do recommend it though if you have lots of riding options. For me it's certainly a lot cooler than walking. I don't think I've walked since May.
ReplyDeleteHave an adorable friday sweet Launna.
Maggie Dallospedale Fashion diary - Fashion blog
Nothing feels as good as purging clutter and things not needed anymore. Way to go for doing that Launna. You sound great. Keep it up. Hugs.
ReplyDeleteSo great you have some goals in mind for this new transition with work and your health. I so hope you will be blessed. Sounds like you are on the right track. All the best! Thanks for being so inpiring!
ReplyDeleteCompletely agree. Don't wait for the perfect moment, make the moment perfect!
I would think doing a long walking challenge like 600 miles would be lots harder to stick with that short challenges. I think maybe I would like to try something like that though! Hope you get your new bike. Whatever exercise makes you feel good is the right one.
ReplyDeleteHave an amazing week ahead dear Launna <3
Nilu Yuleena Thapa
BIG hair LOUD mouth
Happy sunday sweetie
Maggie Dallospedale Fashion diary - Fashion blog
I agree. I believe that many people can plan when it is time to make a change, but more often than not, a circumstance arises, forcing the change. That makes most of us panic, for sure. I worked 60 hour weeks and made a ton of money, then I realized I was done. My focus, like with you, is to work from home updating Social Media for start-up businesses, helping victims of domestic violence and blogging. Those are my passions, but somehow it just has to translate to some cash. (lol) Hugs...