I have been inspired to do a few things this week and I know that they have been inspired because when I tell people what I'm doing, they are like WHOA, fabulous idea. I tell them the truth, it's not my idea, it came to me after a prayer. My youngest and I have prayer in the morning and night, she is diligent in thinking of other people and in saying our prayers daily.
We have been praying for certain things, one was for her teacher that went off work sick a while back, she told me this morning that her teacher was coming back next week (when she went off, they weren't sure she would even be able to come back next year) so Valentina told me we didn't have to pray for her now;). I also explained that we had to concentrate on one of our prayers, I explained the necessity of it, she agreed. She reminds me of the importance of prayer daily. She has a child's belief that all she has to do is pray for something good and it will happen, she proves all we have to do is believe.
I think sometimes we don't want to be selfish and pray for ourselves but it's not selfish, the happier we are the more positive and uplifting we will be to the people in our lives;). I'm excited about my prayers and plan; I haven't been this happy for a long time. I forgot to simplify it, I was complicating it... What I want and desire in my life is good, not only good for me but good for others. Ever since I centered myself I can't stop smiling.
It's like when I knew I was supposed to help a friend of mine, it took me a couple of years to convince him to let me help him but it worked out just the way I knew it should. I was blessed to be able to be there for him. What I want now is awesome and unbelievably good, something I didn't believe was possible for me, ALL things are possible. I can see the bigger picture here, I can see the forever in it, not just here and now.
The more I pray for this and other things the closer I get to Heavenly Father. He wants us to be happy, He wants us to know that we are amazing and that we deserve to be happy. I know prayer and religion is not for everyone and I respect everybody's beliefs but I can't pretend it's not for me. I have grown in leaps and bounds since I realized I needed the truth of what I believed in my life.
I'm saying a special thank you to my cutie David, he made me see that although I had lived my life inappropriately for over 10 years that I was still worthy to go back to church. If David could believe in and love me, then certainly Heavenly Father could love me as He is the epitome of love.
When I have doubts now, I just brush them aside and I give them no validity.