I had to come back to update here... the most important thing that happened this week was that my daughter Andrea had her second child, a girl... she was born on Monday night, her name is Arianna and she is adorable... I am now a Glama nana twice over... I have two beautiful grandchildren to love now... Jackson is a wonderful big brother... I wish I could be there for all of them... hopefully in the near future <3
I have been behind in posting a new blog, first I was super busy with getting all my steps in each day... then Saturday came along and I went to a funeral, I didn't know the man very well ... I went to support someone else... but it is never easy attending functions like this... Then Sunday (today), I spent the better part of my day at church... it was what I needed.
I heard something that really resonated with me about forgiveness, I truly am a person that believes that forgiveness is the only way to free ourselves... I have talked about this many times. I have pondered and thought deeply about the subject because I don't like holding hatred or mean thoughts in my heart for someone as I know that it only hurts me. More often than not, the other person could care less if I forgive them... it is more about freeing myself.
I think about my ex stepmother Ruth who physically and emotionally abused me and my sisters... I was able to forgive her... and Andrey my ex husband who raped me... I forgave him... Today, I knew that although I have talked about forgiving another person that has gone out of her way to hurt me on numerous occasions, I had not truly forgiven her. I held on to my bad feelings for her because no matter how much I had tried to move forward, I kept hearing about how she dislikes me and talks poorly about me. She is one of my biggest challenges and one that I plan to overcome.
I have been behind in posting a new blog, first I was super busy with getting all my steps in each day... then Saturday came along and I went to a funeral, I didn't know the man very well ... I went to support someone else... but it is never easy attending functions like this... Then Sunday (today), I spent the better part of my day at church... it was what I needed.
I heard something that really resonated with me about forgiveness, I truly am a person that believes that forgiveness is the only way to free ourselves... I have talked about this many times. I have pondered and thought deeply about the subject because I don't like holding hatred or mean thoughts in my heart for someone as I know that it only hurts me. More often than not, the other person could care less if I forgive them... it is more about freeing myself.
I think about my ex stepmother Ruth who physically and emotionally abused me and my sisters... I was able to forgive her... and Andrey my ex husband who raped me... I forgave him... Today, I knew that although I have talked about forgiving another person that has gone out of her way to hurt me on numerous occasions, I had not truly forgiven her. I held on to my bad feelings for her because no matter how much I had tried to move forward, I kept hearing about how she dislikes me and talks poorly about me. She is one of my biggest challenges and one that I plan to overcome.
Regardless of how she feels about me, I cannot continue to have bad feelings towards her... I have to truly forgive her... I can't begin to explain how hard that is going to be for me. From what I have been told, she feels I am trying to hurt her when that is the farthest thing from my mind... it is not in my heart to even think that way. However; she doesn't know me or she would not think that of me...
One thing I learned today was that of course Heavenly Father forgives us all for the mistakes and judgements we make... because He does, I have to do the same. Frankly no matter what I do or say, this woman isn't going to like me and not forgiving her is only holding me back. Once I truly forgive her for everything she has done to hurt me is when I will be free and she will not have a hold over me any longer.
One thing I learned today was that of course Heavenly Father forgives us all for the mistakes and judgements we make... because He does, I have to do the same. Frankly no matter what I do or say, this woman isn't going to like me and not forgiving her is only holding me back. Once I truly forgive her for everything she has done to hurt me is when I will be free and she will not have a hold over me any longer.
It is a day I look forward to... I Tweeted the other day how I am not going to let one person diminish the fact that there are many people who think I am wonderful... that is her issue... not mine. Today reinforced that for me even more, almost like an answer to how I was going to forgive her?... Heavenly Father has already forgiven her, I need to extend the same to her, whether or not she moves on from her bad feelings towards me, it is not my issue to worry about any longer.
I truly hope one day that she sees her own worth and realizes that continuing to find ways to hurt me because of her own insecurities, is not the way for her to have joy. I have realized that holding on to bad feelings for her is not the way for me to have joy... besides I know my worth and I am happy to say that I deserve good things and good people in my life... maybe one day she will know that she deserves the same.
I truly hope one day that she sees her own worth and realizes that continuing to find ways to hurt me because of her own insecurities, is not the way for her to have joy. I have realized that holding on to bad feelings for her is not the way for me to have joy... besides I know my worth and I am happy to say that I deserve good things and good people in my life... maybe one day she will know that she deserves the same.

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Forgiving is hard but harder if they are not sorry. I believe in trying to forgive and forget as well. You must be an amazing person.
ReplyDeletebeautiful post dear!!!
it's constant work. truly a practice. and it never stays the same. our mindset. our attitude. we are all work in progress. xoxo
ReplyDeleteHi Launna! Congratulations on your new grand child! Anyway, I just want to say I'm glad I stumbled on this post today! God always gives us enough grace to forgive! :) Thank you for sharing...
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy, Congrats on your New girl Arianna!!!!
ReplyDeleteIt isn't easy forgiving... you are a special woman Launna!!!
xo Paola
My Facebook
Congratulations, and forgiveness is everything!
ReplyDeleteForgiveness is a challenge, but as long as you hold ill feelings toward someone, you give them power to exert control over your life. Once you move on, their power diminishes like the morning dew.
ReplyDeleteforgiveness is such a beautiful feeling.
ReplyDeleteI know it takes time but its a good relief
congrats on your second grand child
have a great week
I wish baby Arianna a wonderful life ahead. Forgiveness is a divine quality. We can only aspire for divinity in our own little ways, one step at a time. All the best L.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the birth of a new granddaughter! How wonderful!
ReplyDelete"More often than not, the other person could care less if I forgive them... it is more about freeing myself." --Yes, this is so true. Very well said.
How exciting!! Oh my gosh! A new family member is the ultimate. Enjoy every second.
ReplyDeleteForgiveness is freeing, indeed. There are those stages one must go through to get there though and it feels so good to arrive.
Lovely! Great post.
CONGRATS!!! Children are SUCH a blessing, and I know you must be one happy woman right now!! So excited for you my friend!! <3 - www.domesticgeekgirl.com
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the birth of your grand daughter!!!You are a wonderful person, too bad she doesn't see it.
I am so thrilled that you are a Grandma for a second time and just a tiny bit jealous! I wish I had more than one!
ReplyDeleteI'm not real good a the forgive and forget thing. I am good at just walking away but the anger and hurt are still inside.
First of all: congrats on your new grand chid!!! I'm very happy for you! :D
ReplyDeleteBtw, I'm not so good ad forgive, but I very good on don't care about people who hurts me in some way: I let them stay, but definitely I'll don't help or have no more contact with.
It's a loss of time and energy.
Maybe I'll became more wise with time: who knows?^^
First of all; Many Congratulations on your new grand child. I am so happy to hear the news....Hope you find the best happy moments with them!
ReplyDeleteAbout the post dear; I would say,"you are doing a great job by forgiving!" It isn't that easy, but it is for our self. Just be peaceful and forget such people. They deserve to be ignored and forgotten.
Another great learning from your post! Thanks for sharing....
Take care
Love n Hugs
Congratulations on your new grandbaby! How exciting for your family! Always nice to hear good news.
ReplyDeleteAs for forgiveness- I believe it is important because it helps free us of negativity in our lives. But- it doesn't happen over night and I usually find it takes work (for serious instances like the one you mentioned). It sounds like you have a lot of forgiveness in your heart, so if that is your goal in this case- then I know you will achieve it.
Wonderful post!
Congratulations to your daughter! That's amazing!
ReplyDeleteRaindrops of Sapphire
congratulations dear for the new baby!
ReplyDeleteforgiveness is difficult but necessary to live in peace. I see how good you're doing it!
new post: http://tupersonalshopperviajero.blogspot.com.es/2015/04/walking-hiking-and-climbing-grazalema.html
awe, congrats for your new grandchild! :) Totally right! It's best to forgive for us to feel at peace and free! :) I'm happy that you were able to update your blog inspite of your busy schedule :)
ReplyDeleteBest regards,
Rica | www.switbbydoll.com
ReplyDeleteThanks for another lovely post
Oh my goodness please forgive me Launna. I, too, busy and I forgot to dropped by to say a big congrats on an adorable new grandchildren:). I can't believe you're a grandma and with a second one already which that means Valentina is also a little Auntie:). Once again congratulations to your daughter and you once again on the the beautiful little girl:). Beside that wish all is wonderful with you and your family my lovely Launna. Oxoxox. My kiss to a little new born. Oxoxox
I often wonder if those who speak so low of us are just seeing themselves in us. Oh, it is hard to like everyone and to realize they aren't always going to like us. But I like that you are seeking and you are finding faith. Oh, and congrats on the new grandbaby too!
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, forgiveness is so tough. But it is a beautiful thing. <3 Yes, it's been so long since I posted. EEEP! >.< I'm so glad to be able to hop on over to your bloggie again! :)
CONGRATULATIONS on the birth of your grand daughter! How exciting. I look forward to those days (in the distant future :)! This post really resonates with me, as I've had a hard time forgiving some of the people in my life who have hurt me. I'm finally realizing that by holding on to my anger, I'm only hurting myself. Thanks for the reminder & I hope you're having a lovely week!
ReplyDeleteWonderful post Launna! Congratulations on an adorable new grandchild. I love the name Arianna! I wish them all the luck and love in the world! Enjoy the time together! It's such a special period!
ReplyDeleteHello Launna,
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your new grandchild. Easter is a time filled with such joy and hope so how perfectly Arianna has lit up your lives with her birth!
Forgiveness can be the easiest thing and the hardest. It depends on so many factors and, clearly, you have gone a long way down the road of forgiveness but there is still a way to go. Nevertheless, you must remind yourself of how far you have already travelled down this road rather than concentrating on how far you have yet to go. And, time is not an issue, forgiveness may be speedy or lengthy. Worry not. It is not how you run the race but it is taking part that counts!
Oh Launna what great news about your second grandchild, and Arianna such a beautiful name. Jackson has a new baby sister that is so good. Best Wishes to all the family
ReplyDeleteAll the best Jan
Congratulations for your second grandchild. I'm very happy for you. Hugs!
ReplyDeleteHi Launna,
ReplyDeleteYou are such a wonderful person i can read that thru ur posts.. I am sorry fr what u went thru and i admire hw u forgive ppl.. this is also mentioned in the bible to forgive ur enemies. bt its nt so easy bt forgiving is getting rid of a mental burden frm ur head only to feel happier .. Congratulations on being a grandmum again.. Have a wonderful week ahead xoxo
Such a wonderful news! Congrats with Arianna! I hope that she all right! I wish you all the love, luck and happiness! Enjoy the beautiful moments.
Congrats ! You are getting one more treasure to love and be loved :)
ReplyDeleteThis post about forgiveness is very thought provoking. It is a very complex and debatable thing, not at all easy to put into practice. Giving it a try is very good and Launna you are a wonderful person.
I am going to tweet this post and share it via Google plus :)
This post is absolutely wonderful! Thank you for sharing and have a great day!
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Congratulations on the birth of your granddaughter! Beautiful post!
ReplyDeleteCongrats! This is such a lovely post! Thanks for sharing!
Oh so many cute blessings
ReplyDeleteMy best wishes for you
Congratulations to you, dear Launna! What a fantastic post, you have made my day. Thank you! :)
ReplyDeleteIt is far better to forgive and forget than to hate and remember. Always forgive your enemies, it annoys them to no end. Congrats on becoming a grandma again Launna, Arianna is such a cute name I like it a lot. Have a nice day! xo
ReplyDeletehappy day Launna!!!
Have a Lovely wed Launna!!!
ReplyDeletexo Paola
My Facebook
That's such a great news Launna, I am so happy for Andrea..do convey my good wishes to your lovely daugher and congrats to Glama nana too <3 Arianna is such a sweet name and its such a precious moment for all of you. How's Andrea now? Give my love and blessing to Arianna <3 I am really very happy to hear this great news :) <3 <3
ReplyDeleteForgiveness is a tough one. I think sometimes pride stops us from moving forward which isn't good. Congrats Launna on your new granddaughter!
Forgiving is hard! Great post about it :)
People love drama and gossip, and they probably give her their full attention when she starts babbling, which like you said, probably validates her in one way or another. You're right to move on and forgive her. Sounds like she's got some big things she's wrestling with internally too, whether she knows it yet or not. Through his Grace... :)
ReplyDeleteDear Launna,
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy that your daughter has now a second wonderful child! This helps you be joyful...
About forgiveness: It seems to be like a infinite journey that lasts all life long...
Hugs :)))
You ability to forgive is so lovely. Hanging on to anger only hurts us. Very powerful for you to let it go. Your a very strong woman.
ReplyDeleteForgiving someone's mistakes or some body is not that easy but yeah it does bring the happiness back and free you as well.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful post Launna.
Amazing! Beautiful post, dear Launna!!!
Happy day, dear Launna!!!
First, <3 congratulations to all of you <3 so happy for you dear!!! And...you are so strong... really. Forgiving ain´t too easy. At all. I have to try that... thank you for being here, in my life xox
ReplyDeleteDear Launna, congratulations! I wish you the best for all your family. I think it's so difficult to forgive. I keep on trying. Have a wonderful rest of the week!
ReplyDeleteJasmine ♥♥♥
Hello mami....BIG congrats to you. I followed a link from Anu's blog. I know how hard forgiving can be....I have first-hand experience with that and I can confidently say, It is super hard!
ReplyDeleteTibs Tells Tales
Happy day!
ReplyDeleteVery very good!
First of all, congratulations on the big news!!! I think Arianna is a beautiful name! I wish her and your family the best <3
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry to hear about the hurtful experiences you had in the past. Forgiving something like this must be one of the hardest things to do and I admire you for taking the positive path and show how emotionally mature you are now. I totally agree with thta beautiful quote you share here, if you hold on to pain and negativity, that will never let you free and move on in life. The best we can do is using those experiences to make ourselves stronger than ever.
Hi lovely Launna. I see you've been busy as same as myself. I'm packing everything in my house and get ready to move. I'm glad you are free yourself from those who had hurt you or a lady who also has an issue toward you even. Hope one day she find her way for her joy as you said. I'm happy to hear you're doing fine and keep yourself busy at church on Sunday:). Oxox. I wish you a better day, a better weekend and more wonderful people are around you Launna. Oxoxo
ReplyDeleteWith love,
Hi Launna!
ReplyDeleteHappy wed!
xo Paola
My Facebook
Congratulations, Launna, on the second grandchild!!!
ReplyDeleteLua querida que maximo vovó mais uma vez deve ser
ReplyDeleteglorioso para vocês as benção de DEUS transforme a sua
vida e da sua familia a cada segundo, querida o perdão é dadiva
de DEUS essa dadiva estar em você, se essa pessoa saiu da sua
vida é porque você estar sendo uma luz e muitas pessoa tem raiva
da sinceridade, creia mais em DEUS que tudo já deu certo. Bom final de semana
Canal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_PCR9rMnVk
You've been through so much Launna and yet your heart is so sweet. I agree that forgiveness is freedom but it takes time. Holding the hate and anger hurts us not them. Hugs to you special bud. Have a great day out there.
ReplyDeleteyay for your newest arrival and i hope you are able to fulfill the needs of forgiveness. i struggle with it too.
ReplyDeleteOMG congrats my sweet Launna for this beautiful babe.
ReplyDeleteI wish you the best for your adorable family and Andrea.
Fashion Blog - Maggie Dallospedale Fashion diary
great post !!! I wait for my blog if you think that we follow by gfc ?? now I'm on instagram, facebook tweeter ,pinterest,bloglovin,google+,i hope you follow me back !! greetings !!!
ReplyDeleteNice post
ReplyDeletehappy weekend Launna
New post in
super congratulations!have a nice week end! giulia
Forgiveness is very essential in life. When you forgive you set yourself free.
ReplyDeleteHave a great weekend Launna. xo
ReplyDeleteBeautiful words. ^^
ReplyDeleteNew outfit is online...
Congratulations Launna! My best wishes! xx
ReplyDeleteMargo Raffaelli
Forgiveness is freeing. Excellent post!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, dear Launna, excellent post!!!
ReplyDeleteHappy weekend!!!
Hi lovely Launna. Just wanted to drop by to wish you a lovely Sunday:) and wishing you a beautiful upcoming week:). Oxoxo
Happy Sunday sweetie
Maggie Dallospedale Fashion diary - Fashion blog
Hi dear! Such an awesome post. :D
ReplyDelete** Kids Fashion and Lifestyle Blog **
Hi Launna, I saw that post on Facebook. Arianna is such a beautiful name and congrats on being a grandma of 2. I've got lots of emotions resonating in me for this post. I think I might just have that 1 person whom I find it hard to forgive as yet. I've already forgiven the few who have hurt me and life moves on but just this 1 more.
ReplyDelete"I truly hope one day that she sees her own worth and realizes that continuing to find ways to hurt me because of her own insecurities, is not the way for her to have joy."
I wished to say the same too but it really is quite difficult to forgive this 1 person. I hope time would help.
I'm totally with you about the views on long hair, Launna. Waist length is the longest I could accept and if it looks unhealthy, it's better to cut them off. You are naturally fashionable coz pale lips are a kind of fashion. Those Japanese and Koreans know those pale nude lips fashion best.
Jo's Jumbled Jardinière
Are you with your family today? I wish you a great Sunday. xoxo
ReplyDeleteyou are an amazing writer dear...
Aquele creme é incrÃvel! ;)
ReplyDeleteAqui está apontando o outono. Não fica super calor, mas também não fica super frio!
Primeiramente, meus parabéns pelo nascimento da sua neta Arianna. Deve ser uma grande alegria ser vovó!
Perdoar é necessário. Faz com a vida fique mais leve! E faz com que as coisas boas fluam melhor!
Ótimo domingo, Launna!
Beijo! ^^
Congratulations Launna! You're blessed to have two lovely Grandkids! <3 I wish your daughter a speedy recovery and Happy Enjoying with your Grandkids!
Nilu Yuleena
BIG hair LOUD mouth
excellent post dear Launna
ReplyDeleteI wish you an happy day
see my new post
<<< fashion blogger Pamela Soluri >>>
Wonderul post, love your writing. ^^
ReplyDeleteHave a nice week...
Nice post!!! Amazing!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations,dear Launna! Excellent post!
Launna, congrats on your new granddaughter! Arianna, what a beautiful name! I really agree with you on forgiveness. I am so proud of you for forgiving your ex-stepmother who abused you physically and emotionally, and your ex-husband who raped you, because those are not easy things to forgive! I am so sorry that had happened to you, and given things that have gone on in my life, I understand. I also understand about forgiving that person who dislikes you so much for no reason. Yes, it is coming from her own insecurities. I have someone in my life like that too. Sadly, that person is a relative by marriage and she’s hated me for nearly 20 years, told lies about me, rude to me, on and on. I am following your example of forgiveness. Thank you for this post! I love your quote at the end, hugs to you! Btw, I am behind on posting a new blog post but hopefully sometime soon.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the visit Luanna and this is true beautiful post. Hard to do but once you forgive someone who wrong you the feeling is amazing. keep in touch. new post on my blog too http://anotsosecretlife2011.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteCiao m y sweet Launna, Have a great start of the New week!!!
ReplyDeletexo Paola
My Facebook
Happy Monday sweetheart.
Maggie Dallospedale Fashion diary - Fashion blog
Hey, a new layout! Looks beautiful Launna!!
ReplyDeleteLaunna it's been way too long - I'm sorry I got a bit tied up and didn't have time to check out all of my fav blogs for a while! But I am back and ready to blog ;) I wish that rhymed better..... but it doesn't.
Your posts, as always, chill me to the bone and warm me up with goodness and optimism all at once! Magical. You talented woman!
I didn't know that you had children and send you SO many congrats on your new grandchild!!! A precious little girl- you must be thrilled. Such a special blessing.Arianna is a gorgeous name! I've already decided if I ever have kids my daughter is called Aria - so it's very similar!
Arianna is a very holy, Greek name.
Stunning x
i wish you a wonderful new week sweety!
ReplyDeletePassando para deseja uma semana abeçoada
ReplyDeleteCanal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_PCR9rMnVk
Blog: http://arrasandonobatomvermelho.blogspot.com.br
Wow congratulations, dear Launna! I'm sure you are a fantastic grandma! :)
ReplyDeleteForgiving someone who hurt us is probably the hardest thing in the world, but once you are able to forgive, it is such a relief, isn't it?
Bella Pummarola
Love this post! Thanks for sharing dear Launna.
ReplyDeleteI forgave a few people that hurt me in my live and I feel much better. It really helps you to move on with your life...
Take care, xoxo ♥
I love your entry, thanks for visit my blog! Kisses
ReplyDeleteOh that's wonderful Launna! Congratulations to you and your daughter! I hope she is doing well and is in good health..a baby is always such a special blessing! You must be overjoyed :)
ReplyDeleteLaunna, ever since I first started reading your blog, I was always admiring how strong you were. To forgive means to be a strong person, to let go of whatever ill feelings one has towards verbal or physical afflictions...I am so so very sorry about what happened with your stepmother and ex-husband. I hope that they will be able to recognize their mistakes.
As for that lady... I feel sorry for her. Hurting others is no way to make yourself feel better, and it always makes me sad to hear about situations like that. My classmate's mother is in jail and she believed that it was okay to hurt others because "it kept her from crying." Naturally I intervened, but it really shook up something inside me to know that she felt it was fine to make others feel worthless as long as she felt better.
I feel that that lady is jealous of you or very insecure...if she really knew you, she would know what a sweet and kind person you are. :)
I hope it all works out, and applause to you for forgiving her. You are really such a strong person. God bless! <3