It has been another week of ups and downs... I guess that is what life is about, having ups and downs and seeing how we deal with them. I see where I could use some improvement, which is good... the past me would have been wondering why I had to deal with more challenges than I thought I was capable of handling? The me today wonders what I am supposed to be learning from them?
I haven't put my relationship out on social media and I don't plan to for a while but I can say I am dating someone, he is very nice, kind, honest and very good to me. Our challenge will be his job which takes him away for a week here, two weeks there... We still talk and text often while he is away, he is very transparent and open about what he wants. This will be up to me ultimately, what I can handle.
A little back story here about us, which I wanted to tell him first before I wrote it here... He and I were in contact about two years ago and trying to meet, before we could meet, he was transferred to another province which ended up lasting for nearly two years... we didn't talk again until a month ago when he came home and we found each other again. To say we were both extremely excited would be mild, we had a connection and we were thrilled that we were both still single.
I told him today that it really was a good thing that he had been transferred out a couple of years ago because although I was interested in him... I still was not over 'Him'... we probably would not have worked out back then as I was not ready to commit to anyone... I am actually grateful that I had that time to work through all my feelings for 'Him' so that I am ready to honestly look at being involved with someone else.
I won't have secrets from him, my life is pretty much an open book due to writing about it here and I am comfortable with that... I don't know what the future holds with us but for now it is fun, good and we are both happy to get to know each other. We have met of course and he is very sweet... we have to work a little harder to have and maintain a relationship due to his job. However; I think he is worth it and he tells me all the time I am worth the effort.
I won't have secrets from him, my life is pretty much an open book due to writing about it here and I am comfortable with that... I don't know what the future holds with us but for now it is fun, good and we are both happy to get to know each other. We have met of course and he is very sweet... we have to work a little harder to have and maintain a relationship due to his job. However; I think he is worth it and he tells me all the time I am worth the effort.
I like that, a man who knows my worth.... of course I had to know my own self worth first and once I learned that, everything else started falling into place...

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It is true, Launna, about life having ups and downs. Even though I know that we probably wouldn't appreciate the ups if there are now downs, it is sometimes hard for me to see and remember that when I am experiencing the downs.
ReplyDeleteI love the last quotes. And I agree with your statement... I like a man who knows my worth too. :)
Very nice
Oh, this couldn't be more right. These men are more rare that diamonds but I'm willing to look or wait for them. :)
ReplyDeleteAh, I totally agree. That first quote couldn't be more right!! I'm so glad you found yourself someone who doesn't make you feel like you need to prove yourself and is honest and sweet. Always remember that the downs are there for a reason, and never not cherish the ups! Thank you for sharing :)
ReplyDeleteAndrea | Collars and Bones
<3 You know, I cant even begin to say, how happy I am for you. I remember, when you comment one of my was about love... you said: I hope that one day I can find that, too.. Not sure if it will happen... It did. :) Day by day, good things will find you. After everything... there will be always light. What we have gone through, just made us stronger... xoxo
ReplyDeleteIts' so important to have someone who appreciates you for who you are and what you do.
ReplyDeleteI understand my sweet Launna and I agree with you. But the most important thing is that you be strong.
ReplyDeleteHappy Sunday.
Fashion Blog - Maggie Dallospedale Fashion diary
Have a beautiful week
Fashion Blog - Maggie Dallospedale Fashion diary
Your head and heart are in a different place now. I can tell by your words.
ReplyDeleteHi Launna... I am so happy for you that you found someone who u like and see urself happy with him.. I wish u all the best fr that... it is ok nt to share on social media abt relationships coz it is meant for u to know and not necessarily everyone... I havent found my right man yet still searching bt i do remember what u hv always written is to realise ur self worth and love urself first... I hope i am able to follow that always... Have a lovey week ahead ♥
ReplyDeleteCongratulations!!! Always a pleasure to read your post dear.
New post :
It is good that you won't have secret for him. I think that you are going to be very happy. xoxo. Enjoy your Sunday!
ReplyDeleteGood luck on your relationship. Long distance can be so hard. I know it's not actually long distance for you, since he will only be long distance for short periods of time. But still...that is a very long time to be away from your significant other.
ReplyDeleteMy boyfriend lives an hour away. It's only an hour but it's still long distance. It's been difficult for us to see each other, even after all these years.
And I love what you said in the beginning. The old you would have thought, "why is this happening to me?" That sounds exactly like the old me. The new me is much like the new you :) I'm glad we're both in a better place.
Hope you have an amazing rest of your day! <333
xo Azu
<3 <3 <3
That is definitely the most important...that he knows your worth and treats you with respect. Men like that are worth hanging on to! :-)
ReplyDeleteCongrats, sweet post :)
ReplyDeleteAll the best, Launna :) Thanks a lot for sharing this with us !
Love makes people glow and smile a lot :) :)
Good for you Launna. Wishing you well as you learn more about one another. :)
ReplyDeleteI am so happy for your Launna! I am glad to hear that the guy is so nice to you. That is so important. Hope it will be something special. You deserve all the happiness!
Amazing Quotes ,also your Post sounds great!
ReplyDeleteBest Wishes and lots of Hugs for you Launna <3
I am thrilled that you find someone who values you! Even if this ends up not being the one it is great that you have someone who treats you well and makes you smile! You deserve nothing less. Good luck my friend!
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy for you. I hope I get to meet you soon. Xo
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you have found someone that you are really comfortable with. I hope you are able to build a future with him.
ReplyDeleteIt's so good to be able to be yourself and to be appreciated for who you are. I'm happy for you. :)
ReplyDeleteThe size of a smile of the lady? really that determines a man's worth. I guess people with money and without a sense of consideration are not really of any value. So all these TV shows with young men with money making ladies drool is a misguided notion. That makes me feel good.
ReplyDeleteThank you for stopping by. I have not been posting often enough. Work takes a big bite out of my time.
Take care of yourself and keep inspiring us.
Lovely post Launna. Its always important to find someone who knows your worth.
ReplyDeleteI hope you had a lovely weekend.
Isn't it amazing how things work out in their perfect timing? I'm happy to hear that you have found someone who recognizes your worth :)!
ReplyDeleteLove d way wen u think of breaking down n everythign suddenly starts workin in ur favour
ReplyDeletekeep blogging gal
My First Vlog
have a nice start week Launna!!!
so glad to hear that you are having some happiness with someone new. sounds like the timing was just right.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad Launna, I hope he is the right person for you.... you deserve the best!!!!
ReplyDeleteKisses, Paola.
My Facebook
Have a nice week sweetie
Fashion Blog - Maggie Dallospedale Fashion diary
Oh good for you mami...I am kinda optimistic bout this....fingers crossed eh...
ReplyDeleteTibs Tells Tales
I'm excited for you. It seems you two are on the same page. I so hope it will be a wonderful journey for the both of you!
ReplyDeletePostagem maravilhosa arrasou, tenha uma semana abençoada.
I am so happy for your Launna!!!kiss
ReplyDeleteHi Launna, I am so happy to read such a wonderful post from you. You deserve the best. Sorry I have been MIA, I have been extremely busy and decided to take a much needed break from blogging and focus on work and life, but I am back and hope to start blogging again this week.
ReplyDeletexx Nesha, Island Hipster
I'm happy you have found someone you like so much, dear Luanna!
ReplyDeleteIt's not easy at all to find the right person! It's pretty normal that a relationship has ups and downs, but i'm fingercrossed for you! ;D
It sounds like the timing worked out really well for you two, even with the ups and downs.
ReplyDeleteAm so glad and happy for you. I wish you all the best and lots of happiness.
Hey Launna! Nice post, I love all the quoatations you have put :-)
That is so wonderful to hear, I'm happy for you.
ReplyDeleteSending you lots of good vibes and am hoping for the best for the two of you :)
You are in my thoughts like CRAZY lately.. I pray everything goes smoothly, wonderfully and MAGICALLY in your life my dear.. you are lovely and worthy, and you deserve someone who knows that! <3 -
ReplyDeleteHi Launna! tHANK you for dropping by on my blog again and for leaving me such wonderful comment :) It's so nice to hear that everything is doing fine :) Always remember that someone out there is meant for your LOVE♥♥♥ YOU are a LOVELY WOMAN :)
Rica |
Yay!!! I was hoping to find good news about this guy on your next post and here it is! Thank you for sharing this with us, by the way. It's funny how things work out sometimes, like when you said that maybe if you guys would had met years ago, this relationship wasn't going to work out because you weren't ready yet. The fact that after this time you both were still single and could get back in contact is almost like a sign. He seems like a very sweet guy for how you describe him. I happy for you, dear Launna!
sounds wonderful. I'm happy to hear you 'may' have met someone special. as to the travelling. that sounds even better. monsieur travels a lot for work too. and I don't mind it at all. I like me-time every so often, and you know, the whole absence makes the heart grow fonder. a relationship can be anything you want it to be. don't let conventions dictate what is and what isn't acceptable (not that I think you are at risk of doing that anyways). happy for you xoxo
ReplyDeleteDear Launna, I so happy for you. Maybe now it's the right time.
ReplyDeleteJasmine ♥
Very nice!
ReplyDeleteHave a nice day!
Photographer Gil Zetbase
I'm really happy for you Launna! I truly hope it works out as you deserve happiness. I understand fully about time apart as I'm in a long distance relationship and we actually only see each other about 8 days of the month, so it's very tough, but we have been together over 7 years now and it works. As long as you both respect each other, trust each other and have love for one another, it works and nothing can come between you!
ReplyDeleteRaindrops of Sapphire
Ups and downs in life show that you're breathing and living. :) Buck up n keep smiling
ReplyDeleteThank you for your wonderful comment on my previous post.
My New post is up :D Sunny in Central Park
Follow me on Google Plus & I'll follow back :)
Omg!! I'm happy you found someone you like and it is growing in to something wonderful!!
Que maximo linda postagem amei
lovely post dear!!
You are one of a kind Launna, glad you finally found a man that will treat you right. All the best to your relationship! <3
ReplyDeleteSO happy for you and wish you all the best!!
ReplyDeleteMy Lyfe ; My Story
How wonderful! It's great that you met awhile back and are now able to be together!
Sounds like you are in a good place! It is true that sometimes the right people come into our lives at the wrong time, so I am glad that the two of you reconnected now that you are in a better place and emotionally available. :) Wishing you all the best.
Yes! These are awesome quotes!
ReplyDeleteI love the fact you share the best words that we can find. And it's all at one place together with your precious articles. XOXO Take care, my dear Launna.
Oh and have a great day! ♥
Great post as always sweetie! Man like that is worth to keep around! ;)
ReplyDeleteDiana Bryant – Blog - Web
Have a nice day sweetie
Maggie Dallospedale Fashion diary - Fashion blog
Hi Launna,
ReplyDeleteI am so happy to hear that you found someone that makes you happy!
This post really made my day! I know how important is to know your own value and to learn how to live plenary.
so Motivating
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like he may be a good one!
ReplyDeleteYou're right, life is about ups and downs, and you are a strong and courageous individual who is more than capable of dealing with whatever life throws at you. Believe in yourself and all will be well! I'm so glad that you have learnt to know your self worth now! Take care Launna! Xxx
ReplyDeleteEven i got to face a lot of ups and downs this week so far..
ReplyDeleteAm so happy for you sweetheart..good luck
Good for you, kiddo. Life waited until you were open and ready for love, and then it delivered. All is as it should be, and I'm soooo happy for you.
ReplyDeleteRelationship like life takes work. We face our issues and learn something new about both everyday. Hope it goes well. Its nice to have someone to share free time with and can really engage with them.
ReplyDeleteHi sweetheart, finally catching up here.
ReplyDeleteIt's so incredible reading your relationship history because I myself can relate. Also finally together with someone I've loved for 6 years but back then he was in a relationship and I guess things wouldn't have worked out the way we would have liked.
Anyway back to you. I am so happy for you and it is always so beautiful to find someone who you connect with, especially having history helps the relationship too <3
You deserve the very best and finding someone who can give you all that and more is awesome :)
Soooo happy for you
Btw, I love the look of your new blog :)
ReplyDeleteI also fixed up mine and created one for my fitness. You can find the link on my actual blog :)
Ciao splendida e bellissima Launna.
Maggie Dallospedale Fashion diary - Fashion blog
Launna, i love your blog!
ReplyDeleteIt is true, Launna, about life having ups and downs. Even though I know that we probably wouldn't appreciate the ups if there are now downs, it is sometimes hard for me to see and remember that when I am experiencing the do
Hey Launna, yes definitely... it's so important to realize the importance of relationships over stuff. But it is something hard to realize when we are constantly surrounded by stuff, stuff, stuff. I love that first quote you have up. It reminds me the importance of my self worth from the eyes of others. It is hardest when you have a relationship with someone and they are so important to you, but then they change because of some thing in their life and you realize how much you depended on them for part of how you viewed yourself. I'm going through something like that now. Thanks for sharing!
Launna:). I actually excited to read your now post but I'm in such a hurry:). I'll be back to read and talk about it with you tomorrow. Good night my sweet Launna. Oxoxo.
How is all going with your love? I hope that is good. xoxo
ReplyDeleteThis post is so beautiful, love your words. <333
ReplyDeleteNew post is online...
Bello post, tambien existen hombres que valoran a los mujeres.
ReplyDeleteCiao Launna , kiss ed from Italy My dear friend!
ReplyDeletexo Paola
My Facebook
Launna. Something happens for reason and that you and him for the perfect reason:). As I have reads it sounds right as the first sight:) I'm so happy to hear thing seems falling on the right spot and he seems sweet and understandable man. You sure is worth the effect Launna I'm glad he seeing the worthless inside you:). I love the beautiful love:). Love isn't a game but real love is beautifully! I wish you two all the best. Please don't give up when it comes to an issue and try to work on and figure thing out first:). Love to have you and him visit me one day:).
ReplyDeleteHave a lovely one dear Launna. Oxox
i totally agree with these quotes sweetie
ReplyDelete<<< fashion blogger Pamela Soluri >>>
I really love all of your quotes esp the first one. we should know our worth and when to leave. sometimes surrendering the battle is much more fulfilling than fighting a nonsense battle. just a thought. thanks for always visiting mine and for always being there for me! i hope to visit your place sometimes, a perfect coffee break would be fine :)
ReplyDeletethis is a great post dear =) new post on my blog
ReplyDeleteHappy friday darling!
ReplyDeletexo Paola
My Facebook
ReplyDeleteHave a nice day!
Photographer Gil Zetbase
It is so good Launna! Your attitute towards this new relationship is good because it seems that you are taking it slow and know what you want.Wish you a great weekend of doing things you love!
ReplyDeleteMuch Love,
Passando para ti desejar bom final de semana.
I love how you spin new challenges in a positive perspective/outlook. Self worth is really a foundation to our existence.
ReplyDeleteHe sounds wonderful Launna and like you came into each others life at the right time. Amazing how sometimes, life is good to us. It knows us so well, fate and destiny. It hands things to us when it knows we are ready for it... whether it be a challenge we need to beat or a happiness we can finally soak up.
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy for you xxx
You are so lucky sweetie
ReplyDeleteMy best wishes for you
I'm very happy for you---you are finally figuring how your self worth and how loved you truly are. You are a very special person and you deserve the best---don't ever forget that! <3
ReplyDeleteAquela máscara não é ruim. Mas também não é ótima...
ReplyDeleteLaunna, você não sabe o quanto fiquei feliz em ler o seu post! É maravilhoso quando achamos alguém que gostamos de verdade. E melhor: Que gostam da gente na mesma intensidade. Desejo a vocês tudo bom. E agora aproveite bastante essa linda fase!
Ótimo sábado!
Beijo! ^^
I always love your post!!!kiss
ReplyDeleteSo true Launna, a real men knows how make her love happy and for him her smile is the most precious thing in the whole world!! LOved those quotations so much. Wish you happiness and love.
ReplyDeleteP.S: I will not be able to active for atleast 2-3 weeks and yes, just 2 more days to go ;)
Love and kisses
nice quotes sweet Launna, i'm happy for you
ReplyDeletefashion blogger
Congratulations Launa. I am so happy for you & i just love your writings & quotes <3
Hi, nice to know you story. I strongly fee land have felt myself too, that when two souls feel connected to each other and are destined to be together no matter what, they will be together and the whole universe makes sure that their is connection between them wishes.
ReplyDeleteOh I'm sure you both will be strong enough to manage that job situation, I hope you get a really large smile when next to him ;) Oh and it's a exfoliating gel to relax my skin as well ;) Kisses!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Launna! So happy for you. Like I always tell my daughter...never settle for second best...always hold out for the top!
ReplyDeleteHave an adorable week and happy monday babe
Fashion Blog - Maggie Dallospedale Fashion diary
Have a nice week. ^^
ReplyDeleteI am so happy for you. I am even happier that you are so committed to putting you first and never losing sight of what makes you happy.